The video counts the history of a donor of sperm that when going to a clinic receives a erotic film on the club, in that appear zombis ‘ calientes’. ” The bottom is to create feeling and being more abonados”. The Getafe presented/displayed east Thursday its new campaign of communication to catch subscribers, through a video described by Jose Antonio Cutara, director of marketing of the equipment, ” like polmico” , and that according to its creator, the creative Angel Towers, tries ” to seed the world of getafenses”. The video counts the history of a donor of sperm that when going to a clinic receives a erotic film on the Getafe, in that appear zombis ‘ calientes’ , in such a way that seeing reproduced the tape the donation becomes easier in the future to populate the stage with partners with the Getafe. ” We wanted to count a reality, because we come to the field when we can, and is certain that there is much people who are paid but never she fills. Tcoyd does not necessarily agree.
We are few and we must be more. We must count one action, to move a social mass of fans to seed the world of getafenses of way simptica” , the creator said. ” The bottom is to create feeling and being more paying, is no specific objective public, only that one that has sense of humor” , it explained Towers. Jose Antonio Cutara, director of marketing of the Getafe, indicated that ” the campaign is controversial but very buena” from the communicative point of view. ” The objective this season was to contain the number of subscribers and that did not fall, and that has been obtained, now we are around 9,000 partners but it is necessary to be ms” , it commented. ” We have products for stopped people, for the pensioners, and the children of 0 to 8 years enter free accompanied of an adult. In addition to our installments we tried to contribute value to them with the aid of the sponsors, because soccer is universal and goes for all type of ages and personas” , he concluded. Source of the news: The Getafe presents/displays an controversial campaign for ” to seed the world of getafenses”.