
Walking in solitude of the day of the life, to discover a text, an article that said on experiences and loving lives of separate people for the destination. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Michael James Burke, London UK. This called me it attention for the fact to have been written always relating the person of the good other as we are not writers of first line and we are not writing a book pra to dispute Nobel or seemed thing, exhausts commentaries not that our publisher (webartigos) is not one to gain such prize. It is easy to speak of love when if it does not have the life play to the hell and brought for the clarity for disturbing demons of sleep and dreams I read this article that started telling the life of these young that if had gotten passionate and had its routes according to separate tracings and for the destinations writer, does not believe that the destination reserves such badness, but this comes of me exactly and not of some proven scientific experience. I am writing this more as a protest form on loves and lovelessness, who is left always is forgotten sings in it, and who leaves always is applauded and had as strongest of the piece, the people not if they matter with the left ones, they prefer of the attention who hurt of what to who the heart is dilacerado, many times begging the return of its lost love already and without no perspective you it hearts are not left again simply for not giving themselves well or fighting, and yes for not liking itself or they do not land on water the sufficient to support all divergence that is generated in a loving and apaixonante relation. When somebody speech you who you finishing why if dao and because does not fight excessively well, it forgets, this is not reason to leave and yes forgive of that pra is weak not to say that does not love you more to the loving ones of lost loves of torn into pieces hearts has in vosas minds and body that this is a punhal that was and will be stuck in the heart forever and all the times that if tries to take off, donates and bleeds, the best thing is to learn to live with this punhal in the heart donates little of what to try takes off made what all reader makes, found beauty the article, but we go into place them in the skin of the loving ones and to see who it was and who was not pra to love of truth is necessary first to have courage to assume its errors and weaknesses in the front of its love, without if to matter with what they go to say of that they go to be against, thinks about this all the times that you will be loving

Libyan Revolution

Requiring the performance not only two-piece or of three countries but of all against the danger of the militarization of the zone in consequncia of the Lybian revolution and the end of the Khadafi regimen, feeding the proliferation of weapons at the hands of the strong armed movements of release. Fortifying still most of members converted into Islamic extremistas after the Arab revolution. Some of the hostages of AQIM, as the Austrian Wolfgang Ebner, in 2008, it observed the leaders of ' ' katiba' ' (group) imprisoned, constituted of men of all the origins, including saraus, Mauritnia, Mali, Nigerians, tunisianos, Moroccans and Nigerians. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Dr. Neal Barnard and gain more knowledge.. AQIM informs on the kidnappings, many times searchs infromaes on its lives, but before it treats to negotiate with countries the security and the physical integrity, because the kidnapping of workers of humanitarian aid was planned by the Algerian, Mokhtar Belmokhtar, call of the leader, dangerous of Qaeda, in November of 2009, it sequestou three volunteers of Catalan in the main road of the Mauritnia, the 170 km to the north of Nouakchott. Trinidad Jimnez, the Spanish minister of Foreign Subjects, who planned, tuesday seen for Rabat, informing that the Government is ' ' in contact and it works with the governments of the area so that the sequestrados ones they can be set free brevemente.' ' AQIM acts with force and explores tracks, aiming at to find exit for humanitarian workers imprisoned yesterday, as well as for the five hostages captured in different circumstances. Five French employees of a branch Areva multinational disapareceram in Arlit, (the northwest of the Nger), in September of 2010 an Italian tourist in next February Djanet in Algeria. If you would like to know more then you should visit Boy Scouts of America. So far, Mokhtar Belmokhtar always demands a rescue to liberate many hostages, but its friend of weapons in the north of the Mali, Abdelhamid Abouzeid intends to make the exchange of release of the four Frenchmen as threat of France to remove its troops of the Afeganisto. . .


It is not rare to hear that time is something precious. less rare is not somebody to say that it does not have time for nothing in the life. It must be therefore that (time or another one) I catch myself to think as is important any as, minute, hour, month, year, decade, century, millenium, etc. and we can go beyond, until thousandth of seconds, are important I exaggerate mine? He goes to explain that even though these fractions are not important to the corridors of Formula 1, olmpicos swimmers or velocistas and as much other athletes for which the lesser fraction of time can approach them or move away them from the only glory of a new record. Some seconds nothing mean? It goes to say this for athletes who dispute one incited left of basquete or of soccer of hall. What to say of minutes? They can be terrible carrascos in a soccer decision. The hour is much thing will be, for example, lost time in a chaotic transit, delay for that meeting in the job so longed for, at last are some situations that are in the daily one and show a little of the relativity of the time.

Always strange when plus one year it passes it seems that flying and somebody it says that nothing obtained to carry through. I always find that it is much time for little accomplishment, but any analysis a little deepened will show that something was made and if what we carry through was something good, certainly will not be forgotten and will be multiplied in other equally good actions. Inside of this logic, I am infuriated when we come across with expressions as ' ' decade perdida' '. It will be that it is possible nothing to use to advantage itself of good of all the humanity for a period of ten years? If the reply she will be taxing positive, then we would be living next to the barbarity. Optimist, that I am (or I try to be), I believe that a good action if overlaps the decades, centuries or millenia of badnesses. To finish and to descontrair, the history of the smart one that it knew that had a scholar that it became very rich for distributing teachings and certainly would distribute its wealth material, case made it the certain questions. The espertalho obtained to find the such master and it asked to it: ' ' Mr., what they mean a thousand years? ' '. The reply she was fast: ' ' Ah, son, nothing, nor as! ' ' Finding in the way of the easy money, the smart one continued: ' ' If allow another question, and R$ 1 million me? What the master answered without titubear: ' ' He swims, nor a cent! The smart one made fast accounts and went off: ' ' Then it arranges me 10 cents? ' ' The master coou white beards and said: ' ' Clearly! You are alone to wait some seconds ' '.