Social Nets

SUMMARY In accordance with social psychology, in group the individuals loses its individuality on behalf of the identification with the other members of the group and its ideals, and for Freud in group the individuals regridem to a primitive condition of the mind, therefore they start to act for instincts, giving outflow to the restrained desires until then. What to say then of a group in a virtual environment? Where everything seems possible An inquiry in this direction if makes to justify to understand as many of the original concepts of the freudiano thought are atemporais and contribute for the agreement of current questions. It is not something Boy Scouts of America would like to discuss. For in such a way this work they consider one analyzes of the present psychology of masses in the social nets as ' ' Orkut' '. Michael James Burke is often quoted on this topic. Word-keys: social, surrounding psychology virtual, social nets. The choice of this subject must the necessity be mainly understood the phenomenon for which it passes the modern society in recent years, that it is the popularizao of the human contacts in virtual environment. These relationships grow to each year and if they give preferential through social nets, are professional they or of entertainment. In accordance with the last numbers published in the press, almost four in each five Brazilians, with access the Internet enter in ' ' Orkut' ' all month, the net most popular in Brazil, created in 2006 and currently with 30,3 million only visitors.

It is the biggest penetration in social nets in the world. Other surprising numbers are the accesses to the net that arrive at average of 37 times for month made for Brazilian users who pass about five hardwired hours the net per day. Of these ' ' internautas' ' Brazilians, 32.7% are young between 25 and 34 years and form the first etria band in ' ' Orkut' '. Flame attention this phenomenon, therefore amongst as much other nets with more specific objectives, directed toward students, for professional career, even though for the proper work does not have as much popularity, even so grows to each day, how much this net of pure and simple relationship. .

Land Power

The legal department also answered, conveniently remembering that the Skies had signed contracts guaranteeing the implementation of the Sight in the Celestial systems of Computer science. Unsatisfied with the apparent contract in addition on the part of the holy ghost, Gates came back to the Sky, demanding explanations of God. It remembered it of the ackward processes that would be restored against Mr. If you would like to know more then you should visit Center For Responsible Lending. marry God destroyed the Land before buying the complete package of the Seen Windows exactly. God, then, sensible and merciful, decided to give to one 2 possibility to human beings to be redeemed themselves. But, as condition, he demanded that an analysis of the Society became then Characteristic Human being and its Elements, and, from the same ones, to indicate a way for the Social Progress of this Society.

God, as of custom, passed such mission me. Boy Scouts of America often says this. Its Son. I, having then to save the Men for the second time, decided not to make it alone. If he was for being nailed in a prop, I I would be folloied. For intermediary of the Celestial Power, I decided to convoke an unknown Conclave in History.

Six illustrious personalities, representatives of the three Basic Characteristics of the Society, enumerated for Prophet Dalmus Dalarius: The Power, the Organization and the Purpose. Six important figures will assist which me to decipher this current Society. Thus, I convoke then, for this Conclave: That one that was one of that they had worse used the Power in History, in its more ominous form: Adolf Hitler. To ponder it, its bigger executioner, one of whom had better used the Power in favor of the Peace: Sir Winston Churchill. On the Organization, that one that better defined the Organizacional Way of a City, of a Society, for the order and disciplines: the Scrates scholar, and its Oracle of Delfos. that one that better defined the Society as Free of the Order: Adam Smith.

The Hair

Sports, nutrition and the environment – all affect our health and, accordingly, the fact how we look. Sports and nutrition – the category under the control of each individual, the environment – here is a little harder, because we can not convince others, it is reasonable for the environment, even if they themselves are aware relevance of the issue. Television and the press often talks about the unusual instances when a person in 80 years, suddenly grows a whole new set of teeth or when involved in an accident in 20 years, a young man of 40 looks, as well as in 20. Geneticists say the aging process is slowed down at the gene level. Many have heard about voodoo, voodoo masters possess many interesting recipes.

Including prescription and rejuvenate the body, after the adoption of the product made master of voodoo, the body processes occur rejuvenation, possibly at the gene level, but the hair, nails and teeth grow entirely new. A number of similar examples could go on and on, but what they show? Assume the first two examples – it is a pleasant end to an inexplicable coincidence, but voodoo – the use of supernatural technology. One can say with great certainty – the body has many hidden opportunities that are not used often at all. Why are they given to us, if we do not use them? But they have one! Human perception allows him to tune in once a child to accept a certain range of sounds and colors, which are the main transmitters of information. After this setting, all life, we trust only the channel of information transmission. I want to draw your attention to a moment when a child ability to think, yet underdeveloped, adults cram us truths, behaviors, how to and how not correct. Simply put, we adjust, we agree with everything and believe in all that we say, not worrying about what the truth may turn out to be not true, but one of several points of view. After a while it becomes possible to recognize, reflect, analyze.

Are all the foundations laid in our childhood, to be revision, meditation? Certainly not all, and not always. You may ask, but how can you understand or perceive the white ball, if it all his life for us was a white ball? I can not answer you the following, this is not the ball, and certainly not white, maybe he's yellow, or even a subject that has no color. When the wrinkles and gray hair, we say that we grow old, or should we say – it's old age. And if not removed from their vocabulary the word retirement, at least for a while? Something change? Perhaps, you will need to replace a word in some other, to denote the process of deterioration of the body. But the man – is not only the body but the soul and the soul does not age or when. Old age – a process of pure material, and the matter is known to the category of time, so why worry about the fact that temporary? Is it not better to think about their spiritual particles? Refer often to his soul, she would never say that we age. Because we not really getting older, we change and become wiser! Those years brought us the knowledge and wisdom, serenity and joy, and a lot more, a lot of good things! 18.04.2007g.

Big Bang

The combined power of the electromagnetic, weak, strong and gravitational interactions ("grand synthesis"), which ceased to be protofizicheskoy force and became a physical, could do light coming from the X-force, transcendent in relation to their source (meaning unrelated to its source) and change it – the light then could take the properties of matter. Since then, we can assume that ends evolution of the universe, which could take a fraction of a second, and begins its physical evolution, which in major parts in modern science and is described below, we briefly described. In the beginning physical evolution of the universe in light of its original material form, in a state of singularity, and since then, when he became the transcendent and broke off its relationship with the source, shrank in the opposite direction at the same its speed. In the end, enlarged to a single point, more than 15 billion years ago, the light exploded. As a result, the "Big Bang" electromagnetic, weak, strong and gravitational interactions again disunited, and instead of the original light appeared cosmic microwave background radiation, which is also expanded, moving with the speed of light is in its original direction.

Of this radiation originated quark-gluon plasma, which was the first building blocks of the universe. The passage of time has a phase transition the quark-gluon plasma – baryogenesis. At this stage, the quarks and gluons combined into baryons – such as protons and neutrons. A further drop in temperature led to the formation of physical forces and elementary particles in their modern form.


The VICTORIES Inside of what it is reasonable, to get a victory are synonymous of conquest, when the waited one is reached, after to have had the confidence to undertake a search based on the ousadia and the faith of that if it wins any advent during the way, that if it shows I inside oppose the inlaid certainties of the soul. The freedom of being able to exhibit what he is its for right and that this is not gotten easy, but yes with much fight and persistence, thus reaches it victory. The profits are great, the people however are friends, however are enemy, make of these taken over on a contract basis something more consistent, more valuable. One uses of many examples, the bad ones that they do not have to be followed and yes prevented, and the good ones so that if makes better still. Boy Scouts of America: the source for more info. It also has the comparisons that they are inevitable partners of the passage, and that thanks to them it puts if a break-even point between what valley the penalty to be made and what not valley. After a time, the flavor of the victory becomes less accented, but its palate is not lost, but it gets used with it and this it makes to it to seem normal, simple, but in the search of this victory they had been the scars, and they are not few and they are they who always bring the alive souvenir of everything what she was transferred. Many times some victories of before, currently seem so more easy, with as much technology the disposal. But for the conquests in times that if could not count on such thing, it will be that it would be so easy? Where deferred payment now the taken over on a contract basis flavor of the same one when conquered I assist without it of current intelligence, made use in you scheme highly specialized for such fact? How to lead a great flock of cattle for hundreds of kilometers in lombo of mules, but today made in trucks computerized, with conditional air on paved roads and that they most of the time swallow hundreds of kilometers in one day? The wisdom is a fabulosa virtue and therefore that it makes in understanding that the flavor of the victory of before cannot persist perpetual, therefore thus certainly we to them we would accomodate in blond greens and fatally we would not search always more more.

Spiritual Development

For decades in numerous publications in philosophical dictionaries traditionally present an explanation of the "spirit" as an intangible beginning, as the production of consciousness in the form of society – religious, philosophical, political, legal, scientific, moral, artistic. The notion is "spirituality" is not defined and is not discussed. In practice, it is used very intensively and with large discrepancies. What are the main features of modern views on spirituality? The concept of spirit, soul, spirituality, spirituality, consciousness, and prescribes, as a rule, a man and are considered immaterial, thinking, linguistic, linguistic, intellectual concepts and phenomena. Spirituality in the past and modern philosophical basis is defined as charity, morality and the inner aspiration to know, ability to control their psyche, mind, emotions. Spirituality is also associated with culture, art, religion, occultism, magic, theosophy, science, love and sexuality. Go to Center For Responsible Lending for more information. Thus, the notion of "spirituality" dumped All human life, but all other objects of the Universe has a spiritual allegedly had no right and conversations on this topic had not been maintained and is classified as taboo.

The author believes that the "Spirit" – this is important, comprehensive material energy-mental phenomenon. From the Spirit formed all concrete, including concrete biological, conscious biological, intellectual, biological. Spirit is the idea alive in all sites Universe. More details on this theme is revealed in the book by Yu Laman "And I had my way " The soul – the mental (subtle, energy-) start of any object in the range of information of the Earth, under the leadership shown by Spirit. Consciousness – specifically formed energy-phenomenon, which is able to dissect and learn any information. Formed as needed soul to perform a specific task at the right level of information. Spirituality – a state of mind-consciousness to the possession, consciously or unconsciously, specific range of manifestations of the Spirit, or the phenomena of the Universe. Spirituality – quality over quantity mastered mental technologies.

Moral can not serve as a measure of spirituality! Spirituality – it is the power, scope, opportunities, etc. specific information object. If a person is unable to understand the other object, it does not mean that the other – soulless, ghostless. All information objects – inspired by, alive and intelligent. None of the information objects are bad, negative or hostile – there is information that is not understood by man. Spiritual growth of man is uniquely associated with disease, ailments, suffering, limitations, and other troubles, because thus there is a constant intrusion into other information and breach of harmony. Man in his ignorance of the danger to the Universe, and therefore it constantly monitors and limits the Hierarchy of the Universe. Materials of the report are based on research and practical experience in the use of effective cognitive technologies developed and successfully used by the author for the past many years.

Reorganization Ethics

In the current scene arquitetado for the compulsory search for unipessoal glory, it is extended the increasing banalizao of not altruistic gestures and to the dissolution of the ethics – that, constantly, it has its diminished paper front to the new individual priorities. The low degree of attributed importance it, in turn, causes conflicting reorganization of the principles arraigados in the society. Produced associations of pulleys and sheaves they make possible that an only man raises colossal blocks of concrete. In the same way, complex social interactions all transform the action of a simple individual into example for the group: practical ours – ethical or not – widely they are spread. In this manner, as it affirms Bauman, the current after-modern conjuncture if directs for the liquefaction of the ethical values – resultant of the individualism; however, the collapse – not yet absolute – of the ethical behavior perpassa other factors: the lack of control on our intrinsic incoherences and the volubility of opinions. To defend established ethical principles in social relations humanists becomes arduous task in the measure where the people consider this ingenuous attitude or is of the standard. Such consideration must it the fact of that the current context is structuralized in the unilateralismo of the ideas, limiting the vision of conjuncture of the people – that, then, they neglect the divergent thought of outrem. It is mined, of this form, the paper and the importance of the ethics in the daily one.

The ethics never left of being essential. The small attributed importance it today, therefore, can and must be rethink. As the architect he remodels building old, the man is capable to rescue and to reconstruct principles. The beams of the building represent the proper ethics: they are essential in the structure and in the sustentation, therefore, as it affirms Kant, the balance of the conviviality inhabits in the ethics.

Death Hypothesis

Already in childhood, beginning to realize himself, the man asks – Why do I live? What is the meaning of life, if at the end of death? "If the stars are lit, it means someone needs' – the poet said. If all living things eventually die, then it's someone you need. Who? Body consists of chemical elements in the various states: solid, liquid and gas. But there is one thing, the mysterious "fourth state of matter '(VS Gryshchenko) which scientists say is in many ways – 'aura', 'energy field', 'bioplasm', 'biopsipole', etc. In religion, it's – 'divinity' in man, or simply – the soul. Each individual organism obeys the second law thermodynamics (about the rise of chaos), gradually grows old and dies. But the second law makes no exceptions for any state of matter – and we know, and as yet unknown. If we assume that the soul, a special state substance, then it too can not be exceptions.

Nevertheless, it is practically immortal, as is assumed in the 'Hypothesis biopolevoy formations …' (A. K. Mane) and approved by all religions. Due to what, or rather, whom? Thermodynamics admits that the general increase in chaos in the universe, there are mechanisms of conjugation, when the increase in disorder in the same place increases the order in another. If so, then we can assume that intelligent, highly organized 'fourth state of matter' – the soul, creates itself from the first three, our body is with you (the mechanism of conjugation), and by increasing the disorder in it (aging process) itself is younger, or how, at least not aging.

Divination And Occultism In The Network – Fiction Or The Shortest Path To Glory

Any one of us, probably, is the magic of their own way. For some – it's the occult, the ability to penetrate into other dimensions and communicate with people, long gone. For the rest the same magic – it is an ancient science based on manipulation hidden energy flows. For other people – a dangerous weapon, a way to change the last one's life or affect other people. Are, finally, those who perceive a magic spell, as a simple magic, and even unaware of how and why they act. Generally, in translation from the Greek 'magician' denotes a priest and a priest. And if you start from such an interpretation, it turns out that magic was present in our world always. It is also worth noting that, by and large, it has never depended on religion and the gods worshiped by the people.

In fact, disappeared into nothingness entire epochs, civilizations, pantheons of gods, and magic continued its existence. At all times there were priests who knew the secret. They worshiped it to her, some kind of universal mind, and have no way to the prophets, invented for themselves Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims and representatives of other religions. We note one important thing: the powers that be, regardless of their faith, actively used secret knowledge, or rather, those who possessed them. Look for any ruler, and you will see that far from it almost always looms the figure of a sorcerer, priest, magician, or shaman, in other words – the magician. Depending on the situation in the course was both light and black magic.

Often it turns out that without the preliminary meetings with the support of secret Knowledge does not accept any one how important government decisions. This is not surprising, because the various spells and charms were given the opportunity to see the future, could affect the course of the battle, provides good crops or, for example, pointed to the shortest path to fame and fortune. Perhaps you doubt, but these days esoteric, occult leaders are used in different countries. But this does not speak openly, but on individual fragmentary information suggests that the occult and magic are still needed presidents and monarchs. What is magic? Today is customary to share the magic of 2 main groups – light and dark. Light Magic characterized by the following features: conspiracies carried out during daylight hours; spells are aimed at removing corruption, evil eye, curses and other destructive programs; white magic does not bring harm to others, but on the contrary, lead to their healing and improvement. Black magic – other. Its distinctive features include: superimposed plots in the dark, magical work involves a destructive effect (Curses, omens, damage, lapels, and other actions in which violence occurs on consciousness and will of man); spells are directed to call the evil spirits, and the subsequent appeal to them for help in any dark affairs. Thus, it appears that the occult, divination, and various other features of magic can be both light and dark depending on what goals people running them. Finally one remark: due to the rapid spread of information technology for help mages can apply to everyone. Today, widespread consultation on network magic, numerology online, all kinds of ceremonies Shadow. In fact, it is quite natural, as mentioned above, the magic is not just endured the changing times and generations and have learned to indulge in the opportunities that it provides at the disposal of time.


Under James I, who it covered the parents begging was considered ' ' vagabundo' '. Apanhado, was beaten in convicted public and the six months of arrest. Recidivist received a conviction from two years. Such legislation would only be abolished in 1714. In France, the century XVII, ' ' vagabundos' ' they occupied Paris and they were under similar legislation. Luiz XVI, commanded in 1777, ordered to the welshman all man is and robust, of 16 to the 60 years, that profession or way of subsistence did not have. Almost two hundred years before, in 1537, Carlos V conceived a decree for Country-Low, through which the population of the fields, violently expropriated and reduced to the vagrancy, was submitted to the whip, the marks with iron in live coal, to the torture and the slavery. The wage-earners, appeared in the Second half of century XIV, did not form seno a small part of the population.

Its position was protecting in the field for the independent peasants, and in the city for the masters and apprenticees socially joined. The subordination of the work to the capital one was only one formality, specifically capitalist, with the changeable element of the capital prevailing on its element constant. In the truth, the legislation on the wage-earning work started with its matrix of exploration and was being successively directed against it in England, in 1349, as the Statute of Labourers, of 19 Eduardo III, through which it was forbidden, duly warned arrest, to pay or to receive wages higher than the established one legally. Curiously, the penalty shaving who received was bigger! In 1630, another statute allowed a master to get the work for the legal table by means of corporal violence. Since century XIV up to 1825, the coalition one of workers was considered crime. The wages in money went up very, however, of form slower than the depreciation of this and the corresponding rise of the prices of the merchandises, what it meant fall of the real wage.