SUMMARY In accordance with social psychology, in group the individuals loses its individuality on behalf of the identification with the other members of the group and its ideals, and for Freud in group the individuals regridem to a primitive condition of the mind, therefore they start to act for instincts, giving outflow to the restrained desires until then. What to say then of a group in a virtual environment? Where everything seems possible An inquiry in this direction if makes to justify to understand as many of the original concepts of the freudiano thought are atemporais and contribute for the agreement of current questions. It is not something Boy Scouts of America would like to discuss. For in such a way this work they consider one analyzes of the present psychology of masses in the social nets as ' ' Orkut' '. Michael James Burke is often quoted on this topic. Word-keys: social, surrounding psychology virtual, social nets. The choice of this subject must the necessity be mainly understood the phenomenon for which it passes the modern society in recent years, that it is the popularizao of the human contacts in virtual environment. These relationships grow to each year and if they give preferential through social nets, are professional they or of entertainment. In accordance with the last numbers published in the press, almost four in each five Brazilians, with access the Internet enter in ' ' Orkut' ' all month, the net most popular in Brazil, created in 2006 and currently with 30,3 million only visitors.
It is the biggest penetration in social nets in the world. Other surprising numbers are the accesses to the net that arrive at average of 37 times for month made for Brazilian users who pass about five hardwired hours the net per day. Of these ' ' internautas' ' Brazilians, 32.7% are young between 25 and 34 years and form the first etria band in ' ' Orkut' '. Flame attention this phenomenon, therefore amongst as much other nets with more specific objectives, directed toward students, for professional career, even though for the proper work does not have as much popularity, even so grows to each day, how much this net of pure and simple relationship. .