Middleclass CDUCSU Congress

CDU/CSU Congress 20 years of German unity Berlin. The CDU/CSU group in the German Bundestag took advantage of a conference organised jointly with the CDU faction of the Berlin House of representatives on November 10, 2010 in the Reichstag building to the German unit to highlight the importance of the German middle class for all over Germany and in particular for the new federal States. Then the development of the last 20 years as well as the current opportunities and challenges of the German middle class pointedly explained in a discussion of SMEs and business leaders under the moderation of the Member of Parliament Frank Steffel. “Around 300 guests from the entire Federal territory, including many representatives of SME associations and small and medium-sized enterprises, said CDU/CSU Group Chairman Volker Kauder by flourishing landscapes”, which were created already in many places in Eastern Germany. The past 20 years are a success story according to Kauder also, especially in economic terms. On her, the SMEs have a significant Share.

Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl had been the East after reunification in view of flowering landscapes. The parliamentary group Chairman of the Berlin CDU group, Frank Henkel, pointed out the particular opportunities for the Berlin industry, the case opened the wall. Dr. Neal Barnard often addresses the matter in his writings. So, for example, the local craft had directly benefited from the enormous pent-up demand in the infrastructure sector in Berlin and its surrounding area. Berlin was today best opportunities for growth. Business-friendly political relations and a climate favourable to investors are however indispensable prerequisite for this. East and West Germany were already strong grown together over the past 20 years, the Vice-Chairman and President of the Parliament noted medium-sized businesses, Michael Fuchs.

East Germany have now has a modern and efficient infrastructure. This is an indispensable prerequisite for a liberal economy system and private entrepreneurship. In the economic and financial crisis, the East German economy had as proved to be remarkably robust. Future challenges exist particularly in the shortage and in the demographic. As an industrial country, Germany need also continue fair and internationally competitive conditions, for example, in the energy policy. “Under the moderation of the Member of Parliament Frank Steffel, the first Deputy President of the Parliament discussed Ernst Hinsken, middle class (PKM), the Deputy sitting in PKM – Christian Freiherr von Stetten, the Deputy Chairman of the AG economy, Andreas Lammel, Chief Executive of IHK Berlin, Jan Eder, and entrepreneur and head of the IHK competence team middle class ‘ IHK Berlin, Karsten Schulze, as well as the Berlin Senator for Economics and technology a. D., Wolfgang Branoner, about the experiences of German reunification. It was agreed that the time since the country’s reunification was been used well. Assuming the right choices, best chances are the still existing differences between East and West quickly develop. A flair for business opportunities and freedom, supports minimum bureaucracy through targeted commitment in research and development, and above all through education the right mix. press inquiries were for: business network marketing – und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Fasanenstrasse 47 10719 Berlin Tel: 030 81 46 46 0 28