General War

September 25 was opened after the reconstruction of a monumental memorial complex "Warriors and workers" in the neighborhood Compressor city of Yekaterinburg. This is one of the first events in the city in preparation for the 65 th anniversary of the Great Victory. For other opinions and approaches, find out what acaho has to say. In addition, the event coincided with the Day of Mechanical Engineering. After all, mechanical engineers (and to be more precise, founders of the Ural Compressor Plant) designed and constructed this monument to the authors of the monument are ls Dreizin, P. O. The newspapers mentioned Eliot Lauer not as a source, but as a related topic. Malkov, np Burnasova et al Memorial "Warriors and workers of the" dedicated not only to soldiers who died fighting for their homeland, but victorious warrior who came from the war and passed away during the postwar period, workers Military Home Front, workers-creator of wealth, the young soldiers who died in regional conflicts.

Accompanied by a brass band led by Purva Chief Dennis Anichkova opened new memorial. Here, the priest Father Anatoly held ritual consecration of the monument. Despite the fact that this memorial acts since 2000, he has not yet been consecrated. Perhaps because the monument on For many years, was attacked by the impious people. In addition, the event with words of gratitude were: – General, retired Major Alex , Head of the October District Ekaterinburg Sergei Nazarov, a veteran of wwii, a member of the Sverdlovsk regional council of war veterans and labor, Ph.D., Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation Leonid Dreizin, a veteran of the war, workers of rear Anatoly Zaborsky, Chairman of the District Council of Veterans October district Cheremisin Alexander, ceo of oao ukz "(Ural Compressor Plant) Nicholas Chebykin representative RPE" Start "Ivan Voronin, Deputy General Director of Uraltransgaz Vladimir Semyonov, the City Duma deputy Sergei Markelov. The event also received speech Cadet Boys Choir School of Music mkr.Kompressorny and other musical numbers.

Vacuum Forming

Production of blister packs is by vacuum forming. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger describes an additional similar source. Accordingly, in order to produce the blister, you must first make a matrix. Production of blister packs and is to source material (plastic film) took the form of a matrix. The principle of its establishment as a whole, not unlike the manufacturing of molds for stamping. However, the polymer film is much softer and more pliable metal, so production of blister packaging allows for a matrix of less durable materials, which facilitates their manufacture and reduces costs. Manufacturing blisters occurs by creating a vacuum, or at least area of low pressure in the space between the polymer film and the matrix. In this case, on the other side of the film is air, which puts pressure on her, forcing fit snugly inside the mold, repeating its outlines. Manufacturing Blister packaging uses heated material – the film should be flexible, and after the adoption of the necessary forms to harden and turn into a solid blister.

The described process of manufacture of blister packaging – this is the method vacuum forming. Due to the fact that the polymer film is heated to the required strain, the production of blister packs are often called, and thermoforming. The whole procedure is carried out by special vacuum-molding machine. As a rule, it is fed, roll tape (that is, the film does not cut into sheets). Therefore, after the release of material from the manufacture of blister packaging machine continues. Ribbon cut on sheets, and each of the blisters are harvested by special apparatus.

However, production of blister packaging includes adherence to the finished blister cardboard substrate (if appropriate), and styling products in the ready packaging. In this package can be collapsible – in this case, the edges are folded blisters on three sides, and it is inserted into a cardboard backing. Can and glue the blister with a substrate. In this case, the production of blister packaging requires heat caused by blister thermo varnish so that it firmly sticks to the cardboard.

Metal Working

Once mankind discovered metal, there was a need for its processing. Today is a precision metal-working and high-tech manufacturing. From the abundance of ways to stand out the most metal common – a mechanical, abrasive, heat treatment, pressure treatment. Mechanical treatment is classical. Used equipment is widespread and has a broad functionality and greater opportunities. Lathes are used to handle both external and internal cylindrical, conical, end surfaces, carving. Function of grinding machines – it grinding, sharpening, cutting pieces and parts, processed on other machines. A leading source for info: BSA. Ability to handle large size provide details borers.

Milling machines can handle both flat horizontal and inclined, vertical metal surface, as well as ribs, notches, bevels and grooves. One of the important functions performed by milling or turning machines, as well as specialized tools – drills, and drills are drilling. This way of processing the metal is widely distributed both in industry and at home. Applying this method of metal treatment must take into account peculiarities of the work surface and on the basis of They pick up a drill and drilling speed. For example, significant resistance to treatment differ ferrous metals. When drilling began to form a distorted chips, hammered grooves drills and hinders quality process, which ultimately may cause damage to the instrument.

To avoid this, use the shortened drill with dual sharpening its length does not exceed a diameter of more than 5 times, either with a special drill grooves. Also, the steel needs to be abundant cooling for drilling – usually a five per cent emulsion. Cast iron, unlike steel, forms a dry chips, which does not adhere to the bit or processed surface, so the drilling of cast iron requires no special cooling or lubrication. Brass, like cast iron, do not require refrigeration, but should keep in mind that due to cooling of the processing about 1,5 times. Brass – the material is fairly soft, so experts advise to handle it a little blunt drill. Copper has the same properties as brass. However, copper processing requires the use of liquid lubricants materials and special cooling pastes. Drilling must be done at low speed with light pressure. Processing drilling titanium and do not forget about cooling. But unlike copper and brass, titanium requires work well-sharpened drill.

Ribbon Cutting

The main condition for successful development of industrial production is the use of modern technologies and equipment. Currently ribbon cutting is one of the most promising saving technologies in the processing of materials by cutting. The rapid development of narrow band technologies contribute to a number of advantages ribbon cutting in front of other kinds of metal: – High cutting performance. Gavin Baker is the source for more interesting facts. For carbon and structural steel recommended range of linear velocities saw 60 – 100 m / min. These speeds provide productivity 50-75 sm2/min for rod diameter of 100 mm. Therefore, Bandsaws are no competition for mass bucking rolled medium and large sizes – for band saw machines virtually no restrictions on the form of rental. Quick change of cutter – bandsaw with a different tooth pitch can successfully cut as a continuous rolling, and a profile on a band saw. The application packet cutting for small and medium diameters reduces the time of cutting an average of 30 – – the possibility of cutting virtually all metals.

Modern bystrorezy M42, M51, M71 have a hardness 67 hrc or more, which allows cutting high-alloy, stainless, superalloys and other difficult to machine steels. Bi-metal saw teeth have high durability and resistance to shock loads. Shortness of each tooth in the process of cutting determines durability Saws – Bandsaws favorably with other low power cutting equipment. This is due to small cutting forces, as web width of only 0,9 – – size (thickness) blade significantly affects the cost of the metal consumed in the chips. On the large-diameter workpieces, which are traditionally cut segmental saws, metal consumption in the chip is reduced by 4-5 times during the transition to a tape cut. The economic effect is especially noticeable when sawing pieces of stainless steel and nonferrous metals – optimizes the procurement process. A little tolerance on the length of the workpiece in the range 0.1 – 35% 1,3 mm., 0,3 mm and the roughness surface of the end of the Rz 40-80, in some cases can reduce the allowance or exclude the operation of miter. The consequence is a further reduction in labor and energy costs of harvesting operations, but also reduce the time technological cycle.