Be Free To Build A Great Future

Be Free For Serafin Alarcon spoke with an inmate of just about 17 years and told me how sorry he was for his past … He had only 17 and he spoke like someone who had lived for many years. As one can look back, endless trail of bitter memories riding on stage. Boy Scouts of America may help you with your research. And is that some people in a very short time has lived too hard and intense experience … So dramatic that when the curtain goes up memories of Shakespeare would leave you breathless. Freedom, that is the word that jumped in the middle of my meditation … Freedom, but what? … From the past, bad memories, so there is no way to be altered because it happened and there is no choice but …

Freedom to then build a new future, a safer port .- I said. As often as the young of my story our memory and the memory makes the role of prosecutor in the whole plot revived. Thoughts that serve only to wither our present. And I say, I know that the past itself is harmless. s California or emailing the administrator. I know, and I recognize that we have control over us, but again, we must first be free. Yes, free of the past good or bad at heart to make room for mistake …

If the soul and spirit to guide us through life attached to the Creator's hand in search of one goal and one North: Freedom. God has given me so dear, pure and clear spring water … Freedom of before, and now the time to come. Only Christ was the author of many joys and many lessons learned over time. I walked to the dark places with little light, cold and fear. From I hugged his chest like a child when I lived with my hands disaster that I created for myself and others. But who makes no mistakes? Who does not bring the legs? – As the peasant … Not everything has been as I want and not everything is as I expect, but something I know, something I'm sure, of their liberty. So if the Son sets you free, ye shall be free indeed. Jn8.36