The Movement

It uses a much more rich and varied than previous diagrams symbology, and is not restricted to preset the graph lines and columns. Systems analysts much use this diagram to represent systems, i.e. to indicate entries, operations, connections, decisions, archived, etc, that constitute the flow or the sequence of the activities of the systems on the other hand reminds us of, that the flow chart makes it easier to the analysis of a process for the identification of: inputs from suppliers; of its customers and the critical points of the process outputs. Since then, the flow chart this represented with symbols, which enclose the activities to be performed, the stages of the process, the people or the sectors involved, the sequence of operations and the movement of data and documents. Gives us the indicated source, that the most common symbols used are the following: limits: this symbol is used to identify the beginning and end of a process: operation: represents a stage in the process. The name stage and who runs it are recorded to the interior of the rectangle: document: symbolizes the resulting document of the respective operation. In its interior noted the name that corresponds: Decision: represents the point in the process where a decision must be taken. The question is written within the Rhombus.

Two arrows coming out of the diamond show the direction of the process, based on the real answer: Conclusion ultimately, considered as Wikipedia, it says that a flow diagram or flow chart is a graphical representation of an algorithm or process. Used in disciplines such as programming, economics, industrial processes and cognitive psychology. These diagrams they use symbols with well-defined meanings that represent the steps of the algorithm, and represent the flow of execution by arrows connecting the start and end points.