Gustavo Matos Campaign

The citizens of the Lagoon deserve candidates in whom they can creer". " Bethencourt finalized its intervention saying that " certainly now we will not see declarations of the candidate of the Socialist Party, Gustavo Matos, on this subject and esconder". It is published in: " it is the consequence of an irresponsible campaign of the Socialist Party, with its spokesman Gustavo Matos at the top, of loss of prestige not only of the group of government in Aguere but of the civil servants of the Consistorio". Up to here, the imperdible of declarations. Hear from experts in the field like Childrens Defense Fund for a more varied view. We see the reaction: It is published in Answer to the White declarations Perez " The general vice-secretary of the lagoon PSOE, Yeray Rodriguez, affirmed yesterday that the declarations realised by the president of CC in the Lagoon, White Perez, and the coordinator of campaign of Fernando Clavijo, Juan Manuel Bethencourt, is the establishment of the prevailing nervousness in the nationalistic rows before the candidacy of Gustavo Matos to the mayorship, fact that has taken to them to directly invent the news on a supposed judicial reverse in the denunciations against INNOVATES. On the matter, Rodriguez was sorry that from Canary Coalition " the desperate news are invented, speaking of a judicial reverse that gives the reason them in the case INNOVATES, since not even they have been able to show a paper that demuestre" , all this in clear electoral key, which today corroborates the presence of the coordinator of campaign of Clavijo in the realised press conference. According to the general vice-secretary confirmed, " the fact that Canary Coalition has not shown the supposed sentence that gives the reason them in the case INNOVATES, is a test of the manipulation and the lie like political tool that Clavijo has started up in this campaign electoral". The Socialists showed, on the other hand, their astonishment before the strictly speaking informative lack and the manipulation that the one that has made Gallic the coordinator of campaign of Clavijo, professional journalist, and until makes very little director of a mass media well-known of Tenerife. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Greg Williamson on most websites.

Nemours Foundation

This could be very beneficial, first of all, for the educational ones involved and, in second, for the students who have that upheaval. Therefore, an educational one that gets to present/display trinomio ignorance – lacking of vocation-inexperience, would be one of the infortunadas conditions more than it could happen to a student to TDAH. Swarmed by offers, Boy Scouts is currently assessing future choices. First, because the educator would be disinformed of the problem, that is to say, would ignore the upheaval, which takes step not to do anything, because nothing knows. And secondly, it would not have the interest or the desire to help in the minimum this student. Consequently, one would have a hall classes with a distracted, impulsive, impatient, irritable adolescent, etc., and, more likely, this would be a cause that would untie a future disorder in the classroom. Also it could affirm that the educational one does not count on the knowledge necessary to do to him against this type of upheaval and for proof of this a button: it is common to listen some saying, that it has diagnosed, practically, to a majority of his students with TDAH, that is to say, by any conduct of distraction and presented/displayed restlessness declared by these, it is sufficient like getting to label them with this suffering. Only considering this fact, note easily, the deficiency of existing information.

Of equal way, it is considered important to mention that the qualifications on this subject can help to improve this subject, and that although it is certain, the educator is not going to get to diagnose, formally, this type of cases, by the same nature of the problem – complexity is little feasible, to such point that the solution is in the hands of the neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and psicopedagogos. Nevertheless, it can get to happen that the educational one, when having a basic knowledge on the subject, can, at least, differentiate some concrete conducts and in agreement with the DSM-IV, and from there, to count on valid consumptions, which, more behind schedule, it will be able to send to the respective professional. And, finally, it would be necessary to ask itself, as a self-evaluation, if one as educating one is conscious of the responsibility that it has, if every day is enjoyed what it becomes, if is desired to help the students, if it is it jeopardize with the work and if it likes to stay updated. These questions allow the educational one to have the feet on the Earth and to be realistic of the labor context in which it develops. This way, it would be managed to have a more human professional, it jeopardize more and more arranged to help those students who suffer of TDAH, and not to confuse the diagnosis from which they do not suffer it. Bibliographical references Deficiency, G. (s. f.).

What school or school is better for my Son-Daughter?

Communist Party

It supports the return of the exiled ones? It restores diplomatic relations with Argentineans, Chile, Uruguay and Costa Rica? Increase in 60% the entrance of the State on the gains of the oil companies (Edgar Sanabria)? It promulgates the Law of Universities, by means of which one equips with autonomy such training centers (Edgar Sanabria) 1,958, July 23 and 24: Attack against Larrazbal, attributed to Minister J.M. I castrate Leon, that it had to resign and to leave the country. To know more about this subject visit BSA. Catalogued like " reaccionario" of the military sector, its intention went to suppress to AD and to the Communist Party, to name another Meeting, to postpone elections and to censure to the press. It made conjuncture on the moment of political agitation and height of the popular movement, fact that fed the militancy in the political parties before the electoral expectation. Beginning of the representative democracy, with its game of birth of the exclusion 1,958, October: company/signature of the call the Pact of Fixed point, under the imminence of elections. Its objective was to consolidate governments of democratic unit, in agreement, far from the interpartisan violence, with the support and defense of the three signatory parties, that is to say, AD, URD and COPEI, with the exclusion of the Communist Party.

Anyone would be the winning party, the others were in the obligation to support it. Despite the unit spirit, for the elections of that same year a candidate of agreement among the three parties was impossible and, paradoxicalally, the Communist Party was separated from the table of political decisions, fact this one that would trench in a crisis and division in the same first government of the flaming representative democracy (Betancourt). The Communist Party had played a decisive role in the popular organization for the fall of the dictatorial regime. 1.958, November 14: Resignation Larrazbal (to take care of its campaign electoral) and Edgar Sanabria occupies the Presidency.

Sustainable Development

Thousands of fishermen of North-western Africa, along with their families, remain without work due to the pressure of the industrial fishing, used by the European countries, on the artisan fishing, a tradition of many generations. The aggression on the seas, that began more ago than two decades, has forced to thousands of fishermen of the countries of the North to emigrate towards waters of the South. Today they are the fishermen of Mexico, India, Senegal or Guinea Conakry who emigrate to the North in search of another type of work to gain the life because the fishing-grounds of their countries are operated by others or because no longer they give more of himself. The industrialized countries have transferred to the countries of the South their fishing capacity because they have found there weak States at the time of establishing norms to protect his marine ecosystem and the economies of the artisan fishermen. That more than half of the world-wide population she is urban, according to data of the UN, explains not only the abandonment of the agricultural countryside, but of the coastal zones of several African, Asian and Latin American countries. It also gives tracks on the relation that exists between which it takes place in a place and it is consumed in another one. The well-being of the Humanity depends on the health of the planet, made up of water in a 70%.

the integration of environmental measures and development will end at the satisfaction of basic needs, improvements of the quality of life of all, at ecosystems more protecting and better managed and a future and more surely more prosperous. No nation it can obtain by itself, says the introduction of the Program of Action for the Sustainable Development of the UN. Concerning the seas, this includes the taking of brings back to consciousness on the part of the governments who until today have allowed or they have not had the force to restrain the illegal fishing.

Nemours Foundation

This could be very beneficial, first of all, for the educational ones involved and, in second, for the students who have that upheaval. Therefore, an educational one that gets to present/display trinomio ignorance – lacking of vocation-inexperience, would be one of the infortunadas conditions more than it could happen to a student to TDAH. First, because the educator would be disinformed of the problem, that is to say, would ignore the upheaval, which takes step not to do anything, because nothing knows. And secondly, it would not have the interest or the desire to help in the minimum this student. Consequently, one would have a hall classes with a distracted, impulsive, impatient, irritable adolescent, etc., and, more likely, this would be a cause that would untie a future disorder in the classroom. Also it could affirm that the educational one does not count on the knowledge necessary to do to him against this type of upheaval and for proof of this a button: it is common to listen some saying, that it has diagnosed, practically, to a majority of his students with TDAH, that is to say, by any conduct of distraction and presented/displayed restlessness declared by these, it is sufficient like getting to label them with this suffering. Details can be found by clicking Center For Responsible Lending or emailing the administrator. Only considering this fact, note easily, the deficiency of existing information.

Of equal way, it is considered important to mention that the qualifications on this subject can help to improve this subject, and that although it is certain, the educator is not going to get to diagnose, formally, this type of cases, by the same nature of the problem – complexity is little feasible, to such point that the solution is in the hands of the neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and psicopedagogos. Nevertheless, it can get to happen that the educational one, when having a basic knowledge on the subject, can, at least, differentiate some concrete conducts and in agreement with the DSM-IV, and from there, to count on valid consumptions, which, more behind schedule, it will be able to send to the respective professional. And, finally, it would be necessary to ask itself, as a self-evaluation, if one as educating one is conscious of the responsibility that it has, if every day is enjoyed what it becomes, if is desired to help the students, if it is it jeopardize with the work and if it likes to stay updated. These questions allow the educational one to have the feet on the Earth and to be realistic of the labor context in which it develops. This way, it would be managed to have a more human professional, it jeopardize more and more arranged to help those students who suffer of TDAH, and not to confuse the diagnosis from which they do not suffer it. Bibliographical references Deficiency, G. (s. f.).

What school or school is better for my Son-Daughter?

Political Parties

We do not love military man in political parties, in unions of class nor in any religious confession. We respect the freedom of the social volunteers so that they exert its rights in any democratic option. It is not necessary to confuse the abuses of some members of certain NGO in several countries, that can serve as substitute, of smoke screens to palliate the deficiencies of political systems that accept economic readjustments of the World Bank or the IMF, reducing the investments in education, health and fundamental social works. It is lie that the formidable social voluntary military service that has mobilized to million beings from the Seventies is controlled by the World Bank, the IMF, and North American and European imperialism. When hundreds of thousand of young people in Europe and the United States, disillusioned of many ideologies, decided to assume the cause of poorest, of the pressed ones, of the exploded ones and humiliating by an unjust socioeconomic system, they were watched with distrust after the religious institutions.

They thought that field belonged to them. Also they were suspicious for the hall unionists, and we do not say for many executives of great multinationals. It watched them to the right with disdain. Perhaps we do not have we, said, the defense of the communal property, the freedom who offer the market and the democracy? When they included/understood that we assumed solidarity like answer to all unjust inequality, when we were not satisfied with giving to eat to the hungry one but we asked why the poor men passed hunger, when we lay down by million to the streets of the cities, when they saw that we constituted enormous a sociopolitical and cultural force, tried to mine the transparency of our commitment and the generosity to us of the delivery. The left said that ramos of his, while they were prepared to invent NGOs to procure benefits and prebandage. The rights did the same transforming their ideological foundations into non-political societies.

Whereas some religious confessions titled their nondenominational associations like , we understood that we were in danger. For that reason never we wanted to endorse no protest without an alternative proposal, we never wanted to leave the cause of poorest fighting against the poverty and denouncing all oppression and lie, would come from where it came. The hard thing is to verify that the first attacks come from those who before to us new citizens of our time cheered like . But they will not be silent to us because million innocent beings in the world would reproach it to us.

Institutional Arbitration

According to the third paragraph of article 3 of the General Law of Arbitration unless the parts have agreed specifically that the arbitration will be of right, the arbitration will be understood of brings back to consciousness. According to article 25 of the Law the appointment of right referees must fall to Lawyers. In agreement one is right arbitration or arbitration of brings back to consciousness, we can speak of right award and award of brings back to consciousness. According to article 50 of the General Law of Arbitration the right award must contain: 1) place and date of expedition, 2) name of the parts and of referees, 3) the question submissive arbitration and a summary reference of the allegations and conclusions of the parts, 4) valuation of the tests in that the decision is sustained, 5) Foundations completely to admit or to reject the respective pretensions and defenses, 6) the decision. According to article 51 of the General Law of Arbitration the award of brings back to consciousness necessarily must fulfill the arranged thing in interjections 1, 2, 3 and 6 of article 50 of the Law in mention and requires besides a reasoned motivation. According to the final part of article 60 against the awards of it brings back to consciousness does not come resource from appeal. It is necessary to need that the parts can agree that an arbitration is of right or fairness.

Ad hoc arbitration and Institutional Arbitration. The ad hoc arbitration is when it is agreed to that the arbitration will be carried out by a person or people especially and institutional arbitration is when is agreed to that it is carried out by a by arbitration institution. It is necessary to need that the parts can agree that an arbitration is ad hoc or that is institutional. Arbitration volunteer and unavoidable arbitration. .

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