The establishment of its own weight-loss group is the weight loss desire also still so strong and beg for themselves alone in any way to reduce his weight, so one quickly reaches its limits. Alone is it always difficult to come and to embark on a new path in his life permanently. Actually, it’s a banal wisdom, which repeatedly has its validity: along with other one succeeds the fastest. To take something in attack with other people and their attention and support to achieve a common Zeil alone taken diet and any slimming pill is a lot easier and more effective than any. One possibility is the creation of a weight-loss group.
Find like-minded people with the desire not to alone must pull their weight-loss program. Perhaps they start with the consideration, who is from your acquaintances and circle of friends that could be interested in and would be willing to participate in such a group. Read more here: Dr. Neal Barnard. Of course, you can search for suitable partners by listing. The main features of a is such a weight loss group, so they also successfully, are: One is committed. That means arriving just in time for the meeting. Everything will be discussed in the group stays in the group. To meet at regular intervals, for example every 2 weeks. At each meeting you announces his program which you want to perform to the next date, to achieve his goal.
Dividing successfully completed objectives as well with as that are not managed one. The failures being discussed just as seriously and respectfully as about the successes. In conversation it is apparent why something didn’t work out and what you can change to make it work next time much more. In my experience, this method is the most effective. Alone to get at best only small steps forward, but in a group that supports, praises and promotes, the setbacks rare, the motivation higher and achieved progress faster. The better and more often to reach its objectives, which is the greater Self-confidence and the desire to continue. Together to develop more ideas to the various paths that lead to success, just by the fact that everyone can share with and each post will be taken seriously. The respectful dealing with each other is an important prerequisite for the cooperation. Discusses about success and failure, and opportunities be developed, how each individual can be supported by the group. The own project in detail to present alone the fact brings a positive boost. Because you committed to self-imposed tasks, until the next meeting you has more courage and strength than when you’re alone. Through mutual motivation, praise and constructive criticism is the solution to the problem, to cope with the excess weight, in this case much more practical and matter-of-fact.