Restaurant Association

The currently so often cited shortage already starts dual degree programs at the example of McDonald’s in training. Since 2007, a clear decline in the number of training can be seen in most industries. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with BSA. This is not because companies no longer want to make out, but found no qualified trainees. In the battle for the best young, it is therefore becoming increasingly important to make its own training offering more attractive and to market. The example of McDonald s show that dual degree programs represent a profitable for candidates and companies alike model for the future. The lack of apprentices becomes particularly clear in the restaurant. Read more here: Michael James Burke.

“Although the numbers of the German of hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA) show in the development of all apprenticeships in the relatively young education to the / to the specialist Assistant for Foodservice” an influx of 1.4 percent in 2009. When you look at the newly completed apprenticeships is a big minus 8.9 percent the previous year but recognize. The industry average in the hotel and hospitality industry declined by 9.1 percent compared to the year 2008. Cross-industry companies have too few young complain and this young is still poorly trained. That reflects the current study candidate selection initial training”cons.

All 94 percent of the 160 companies surveyed see a declining level of applicants’, so Felicia Ullrich, Managing Director of Solingen Horseshoe publishing. The specialist for testing and E-recruiting has published the study together with the University of Heilbronn. The perspectives in the foodservice are often underestimated straight in the restaurant is it becoming increasingly important, in the struggle for new ways to go the best trainees. Because the negative development of education figures is a clear contradiction to the positive development of the restaurant. The industry is booming and can meet their need for skilled workers only with difficulty. It lacks not only qualified trainees, but also a long-term employee retention.

Personal Trainer

Personal trainer icon Jennifer Wade offers February 2010 a promising program QPT -qualified personal trainer on who his enthusiasm for movement would like to make a second financial mainstay, the fitness expert Jennifer Wade is the recommended: the multiple author has a certified training program for aspiring personal trainer developed, is considered one of the leading private education in the fitness area. Within a year, participants learn about the topics of personal training, fitness, nutrition, exercise science, sports medicine and business administration. See more detailed opinions by reading what Professor of Internet Governance offers on the topic.. Part of the coach’s elite: one-year training is completed with an exam in theory and practice, after which the trainees with the protected title qualified personal trainer (QPT), there are “may decorate.” Living health awareness and accuracy: The qualified personal coach training consists of eight modules; Our teachers teach social skills, independent action, and one in addition to technical knowledge structured work associated with the training techniques developed by me “, explains Wade. The future qualified personal trainer are trained by a team of experts consisting of doctors, physiotherapists, nutritionists and sports scientists. The training is suitable especially for interested parties from the fitness – sports and healthcare.

Wade also offers a special way climbing program for students from other professions. Focus on quality of life and performance: training is regarded as a door opener for demanding customers – people who are willing to invest in your well-being. Manager, career women and celebrities include as well, such as professional and competitive athletes. Wade is back as icon of the personnel training looks Native American now on more than 30 years as a personal trainer. Wade is an icon in this area and brought to Germany the staff training. Already in the mid of 1990s she developed Switzerland for Germany, and Austria under the name of QPT the first qualified and certified staff training training.

Successful Design Of Reports And Presentations: SUCCESS At Work

So again, report companies use a lot of time for the preparation of reports more reports. Laboriously processed numbers and created many PowerPoints. But reports are frequently not read or do not understand. Steffan Lehnhoff addresses the importance of the matter here. There are various reasons for this phenomenon. Successful business communication is based on binding rules.

Creativity is here called the linguistic formulations nor the Visual design. Instead, it goes to consistent standardization and reduction to the essential. Reports and presentations successful ways, experts at the seminar discuss “successful design of reports and presentations: SUCCESS@work” on April 21, 2010 in Zurich. Participants will receive a tried and tested framework consisting of seven universal design rules for reports, screens, graphs, online systems and presentations: 1. clear messages at the center position 2. uniform design apply 3.

create high information density 4. 5 define clear quality rules as their yardstick. Systematic implementation and dissemination 6 simplify and focus on the essential rules create 7 Overview through right structures based on these seven rules – better known under the SUCCESS – learn participants by Roman Garcia fields, Managing Director of HICHERT + PARTNER AG, how to achieve more information density and quality of information, as well as effective ways to clear messages in reports and presentations. The successful implementation of the SUCCESS shows in practice rules of report of the Highlands. Uwe Bruck, Freelancer in controlling the Highland SE, describes how Highland SE with SUCCESS could improve its reporting system. Supplemented with practical advice on the implementation of sophisticated charts with Excel, this event is a must for all those who are busy with the design of management reports and presentations – reports more again. More at: saw the organiser AG based in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland is a Europe-wide Active,. independent operators of high-quality conferences, symposia and seminars. Experts from research, science, practice and policy present regularly pragmatic approaches and pioneering trends. Contact: Organiser AG Stephan Mayer Hauptstrasse 54 ch-8280 Kreuzlingen 0041 71 677 8703

Successful Campaign

Provides new jobs and profiles be placed further Munich, 12th November 2013 modern professionally designed CV faster match applicants and companies. Unique personnel service and Technicum draw this conclusion. “With their nationwide campaign unfold you your potential!” the recruitment prospects offered for four months the chance to create a modern curriculum vitae free. About one-third of the participants could find a new job with our help”, Benedicte autem, Chairman & CEO of unique personnel service and Technicum, to the end of the campaign forward. Job seekers, job changers, and returnees and those workers who were looking for a new challenge were addressed. The speedy negotiations from the campaign out show meaningful profiles are as decisive. If an applicant clearly works out its potential and presents, the HR can better assess the candidates. He realizes faster if fit man and vacancy to each other.

Both win”, so Abraham. The CVS are a godsend for the participants, the company and the location Germany.”you unfold your potential!” ran from June until late September in 130 branches of unique, Technicum. With the campaign, the daughters of the personnel service provider USG people Germany expressed their thanks to the confidence of applicants and companies. The campaign participants also confirmed the trust: surprisingly many of them took advantage of the offering of unique, Technicum, to present your CV customers of the two staffing companies. The CVS in the framework of the campaign were presented far about 30,000 times active client companies. Many profiles are further available even after the end of the campaign or are placed by the human resources professionals at customer companies. In the future, on request, those interested are informed attractive abroad. “Support you got your potential unfold!” by the double handball world champion Heiner Brand.

He knows from his years of successful career, that everyone needs a coach to discover and develop his talent. With fire, the recruitment questions about specific skills and goals of the participants created to work more than the usual qualifications out together with them. Often with success, as shown by the agencies”, as Abraham. We are our standards meet, not only the candidates but to instead meet the people. So we see, what we together can achieve goals.” About USG people Germany: The recruitment agency USG people Germany is part of the publicly traded USG people N.V. In Germany, USG people is one of the top ten companies in the industry. With its brands unique personnel services (recruitment agency with industry specializations), Technicum (specialist for skilled workers) and Secretary plus (Secretariat and management support specialist), any form of flexible staffing solutions provides USG people. About 9,000 employees work under the umbrella of USG people Germany. In nationwide, approximately 150 branches are present the subsidiary on the ground. The corporate headquarters are located in Munich. For over 40 years, USG people on the European market is active and four in the ranking of the European recruitment takes place. Press contact: WEFRA PR company for Public Relations mbH Dr. Andreas Bachmann medium Dicker WEG 1 63263 Neu-Isenburg phone: + 49 (0) 69-69 50 08-78 fax: + 49 (0) 69-69 50 08-71 E-Mail: company contact: USG people Germany GmbH Jessica C. Ehmke Landsberger Strasse 370a 80687 Munich phone: + 49 (0) 89-56827-339 fax: + 49 (0) 89-56827-100 E-Mail:

In Bavaria

To, participants are asked to prepare their application documents including letter to advance and to bring their presentation for a potential appeal lecture. Prof. Dr. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out BSA. Stefanie Winter (HAW Rosenheim) and Prof. Dr.

Bettina Franzke (HdBA Mannheim) explain the profession, conditions and motives for a professorship in the seminary. Moreover, they will explain the stages and characteristics of the appeal apparently. The participants work out their career potential with regard to a university professorship and receive feedback on their written application documents. Realistic simulations provided suggestions to the occurrence in appeal lectures and talks with the Search Committee. The aim of the seminar is to optimize the application strategy, but to increase their own confidence and persuasiveness. Program information night after a welcome of the newly elected country spokesperson for the women’s representative at Bavarian universities of applied sciences universities of applied sciences, Mrs Prof. Dr.

Christine Sweet-Gebhard and Prof. Dr. Sabine Mullenbach, women’s Affairs of the University of Augsburg, informed Prof. Dr. Astrid Szebel-HA, Deputy spokeswoman of country, on Friday, Nov. 11, on the profession of higher education professor. Also, she will come to speak in her presentation on the professional requirements and make recommendations for further action. Useful tips from the written application to the appeal procedure are passed in the subsequent working groups first hand from university professors, where individual discussions take place. Consultations take place on the following topics: application as a University Professor, evidence or scientific qualifications, proof or artistic qualifications, proof or acquisition of professional experience, as well as certificate of pedagogical aptitude or applying for teaching positions. Programme: Rein in the lecture halls in many federal States there are now programmes for qualified academics, a professor at a University of applied sciences Fachhochshcule strive for. In Bavaria, the lectureship program was clean in the lecture”launched, to facilitate the entry into universities through teaching a women. On the other hand offered events and workshops around the University Professor. Thus, more scientifically qualified and experienced women as Professor for the universities of applied sciences – universities of applied sciences will be obtained. For an appointment to the professorship, the lectureship in preparation is an important requirement in addition to the promotion. The universities deny a large part of their curriculum with teaching external lecturers and tutors, the so-called professors who take exercises, seminars, or lectures in addition to their work. For the teachers teaching skills, extending the teaching experience, the feedback of the students and the exchange of experience with other teachers are in the foreground. Thus, the program opens up a new potential to experienced academics and qualified them for the career as a Professor of the University of Applied Sciences – University of applied sciences.

Applied Research

Part-time online courses start in October 2013 the Fraunhofer Academy our aim is, through our training formats the enterprises to offer current knowledge and competences of the Fraunhofer institutes “, explains Dr. Roman gods, Director of the Fraunhofer Academy.”Because only if new findings in the company get and there are innovations, has applied research sense, he adds. The offer of Fraunhofer Academy reflects the thematic width of the research-based Fraunhofer Institute. The four online degree programs starting in the autumn of 2013 allow participants on a high scientific level to educate themselves, without having to leave your company: the contents can be completed mostly online and in free time disposition. MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik damage prevention rather than remediation under the roof of the Fraunhofer Academy provide the University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP the course MASTER: ONLINE construction physics to. This is the first accredited master in building physics with the degree”master of building physics”(M.BP).

He is architects active in the construction sector and architects and engineers and engineers who future want to educate themselves in addition to the profession. The syllabus followed the principle damage prevention rather than remediation. Through the prestigious and internationally recognized researchers of the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP, which are responsible for a large portion of the courses of the program, current research results directly incorporated into the lesson. Numerous periods of personal attendance of the course are carried out in the laboratory facilities at the two sites of the Fraunhofer IBP in Stuttgart and wooden churches. Unique insights into the building physics research opens thereby the students and they come up with innovative and ground-breaking technologies already before their market launch in contact. This technical cooperation makes this study unique in the world. Master online photovoltaics technology in the context of economic and ecological contexts the Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg and the Fraunhofer-Institut fur Solare Energiesysteme ISE offer the international distance learning course master online photovoltaics under the umbrella of the Fraunhofer Academy.

Top 8 Of Creative Activities

The latest press release from project work creative Hamburg, 02 May 2011. The creative industries are characterised by their diversity. Photographer, PR consultants, developers all have the label creative”together, in their actual activity but little. One more thing in common is the tendency to the freelancing. According to the Institute for SME Research (IfM), there were 2010 around 1 million self-employed persons in the liberal professions at the beginning of the year. This means a significant increase in the last few years alone in the period from 1992 to 2010 the number of freelancers to around 600,000 have risen.

This million-dollar, the so-called cultural professions make up about a quarter. Thus, professionals of the cultural and creative industries are characterized by a high willingness to independence or establishment. Project work creative offers all professional participants of this market all professional participants of this market provides a platform a platform and as an additional service each month a market overview of the distribution of different priorities. But how to spread the different activities? The current creative monitor this month breaking down the various roles and shows which project work creative specialists are most frequently represented. The ranking of the 8 most common professions is led by copywriters, graphic designers, and will, but also journalists, there are, and the diversity of the sector is reflected in the top 8 project work creative producers. Vida Vacations Mexico usually is spot on. Companies and agencies find specialists for every project, whether it be graphic designers or editors”, so Dr. Christiane road, Managing Director of the project factory GmbH.

project work creative figures for the creative Monitor collects every month. The latest numbers show how many of the above mentioned professions currently on project work are represented. Also in this month, project work, IT, consulting, creative, and engineering evaluated the numbers on the industry platforms and published the industry market monitors industry blogs. Of project work project work is the easiest project Exchange in the Web. With twelve years of expertise connects freelancers and companies project work and provides a platform for the fast and efficient recruitment of specialists for projects, as well as to commercialize the own service all participants of the flexible labour market. An innovative matching technology was developed that is used on the new platforms,,,,, and

Wolfgang Bonisch Stops Charity Action In Favor Of WWF

Charity action binds too much capacity in the acquisition and causes confusion among potential customers of Hamburg owner of workshop for negotiating art from Hamburg, 12.10.2011 – Wolfgang Bonisch, today announces that he prematurely ended the charity campaign launched in early summer for the benefit of the WWF. He had this action as “Invitation to the birthday coffee” initiated on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the W & H Bonisch GmbH. Bonisch, the work of WWF supported for over 25 years with a supporting membership, regular donations and for 2 years with a sponsorship for a gorilla project. He donates half of its author fees. With his 6 x 6’s charity action he wanted to generate additional donations for this or other projects.

The goal of Bacolod was to gather approximately 9.000,–euro for projects of the WWF, where he donates the net proceeds of its action. To do this he had offered 6 dates, so were that he could not otherwise sell. On each date, 6 employees of a company should a one-day negotiation training. All at a very reasonable all inclusive price which included in addition to the seminar of the negotiation even the travel costs and a CD of the audio seminar of the negotiation trainer for each participant. Of course had Bonisch also the marketing effect in mind. He wanted to attract quickly determined decision makers, who are willing to invest a few bucks to make a profound image and to get a firsthand impression. That conclusion as the seminar trainer, has emerged as a fallacy.

Therefore, he now accepts the offer from its Web site and makes no active acquisition more. Disillusioned he notes today, that there is obviously no need for such a trial, whether with or without charity action. Companies buy either quickly determined many training days for larger projects or they linger, no matter how great is the offer.