The Campaign

Now is the time when the opportunity to become stronger than the strong brands. The company offers REGIONPORTAL71.RU apply a set of measures that will allow them not to disappear from sight, and after the crisis, people turn to the brands that were active during this difficult period. Undoubtedly, the current date on the economic The situation provoked a reduction in advertising spending, however, if a company has priced the product and its promotion of good policy, then, accordingly, she has a chance to strengthen its position in the market. Small budgets restrict advertisers to experiment with new advertising formats, so they are forced to abandon their studies and switch to the already proven advertising formats to reduce risks. Of course, advertising on television has always been considered one of the most expensive and most effective, so large companies are unlikely to abandon it, the more that some vendors will be on television advertising forced to reduce prices to retain loyal customers. Despite all this, traditional advertising is still losing market share in favor of online advertising, but do not do it as fast as analysts predicted before the crisis. The most compelling reason for advertisers to move into the sector of online advertising is that it can attract the maximum customers at the lowest price.

If you have little capital it is possible to promote a product or service auditoriipoiskovyh large systems. However, to the campaign, we recommend to prepare very carefully, otherwise there is a risk not to return the money invested. Very seriously in preparation for advertising campaign to relate to the selection of search queries. The company offers REGIONPORTAL71 their options to test each of them for the number of impressions and the appropriateness of their use. In our view, some companies are better to suspend campaign at all, because if the brand has not yet been formed, then in such a situation to achieve good results almost impossible. Declining demand, increases competition, and this leads to the need to reduce prices. As a result, the owners of weak brands do not have money to develop and support the brand, and they are forced to leave the market.

Let us summarize the possible scenarios for the experience crisis. The first option is to cut spending in the sectors of business that are unprofitable, including this regard and advertising costs, so it is possible to ride out the crisis and to preserve the accumulated potential, which very handy when it's positive atmosphere. The second option would be proactive in times of crisis, to capture areas of the market, which date from the competition. Implement these actions is only possible through intense advertising and competent politicians. And we, in the face of the Tula information and entertainment portal PORTAL AREA 71, will make every effort to ensure that your ads work for you as hard!