The Profit

When initiating a project, in a majority, the designing edesenvolvedores are worried about the interface, data base and linguagemde programming, and ignore the importance that the representana engineering of software construction of applications, and is not imported in adopting a standard, or deelaborar a documentation of its applications. We describe architecture MVC, and the standards that soadotados in each layer, portraying the benefit to use a padroarquitetnico, in the planning and development of a dynamic software, bemcomo, the profit with this adoption, how much the organization of the project, and to it I reuse decdigos source, in the easiness to effect changes. 2. Engineering of Software ' ' The software engineering is one disciplines would daengenharia that it occupies of all the aspects of the software production … ' ' (SOMMERVILLE, 2003, p.5). Currently in our daily one we perceive some companies dedesenvolvimento of software delivering to its gigantic customers softwares, and of high complexity, and in this way some systems present fracasestruturas, leaving to take care of the expectations of its customers, have aindaoutros cases of companies who delay the delivery of software having that renegociaros stated periods paying for not the length of the delivery of the product, have broken desenvolvedoras destasempresas of software do not use no type of standards ouarquitetura in the planning and execution of software. Figure 1.1A evolution of software.

(PRESSMAN, 1995, p.5). Figure 1.1 represents the evolution of the software, that duranteos first years of development, the hardware part suffered inmerasmudanas, while software was seen for many as one second option, odesenvolvimento of software was done without administration, and for containing poucosmtodos, the stated periods of deliveries were short and most of the time if esgotavamcom these difficulties the cost of software increased 1960: orientation in lot, limited distribution esoftware customizado. Boy Scouts is likely to increase your knowledge. 1970 1980: multiuser, real time, eprodutos data base of software. 1980 1990: distributed systems, inlaid intelligence, the hardware of low cost.