As many other great discoveries had been made throughout many studies, the contradictions had also appeared, between them Rubins point that: ' ' racionalistas had searched the certainty of the knowledge not in the impressions of the direction, but in the irrefutable truths of the reason humana' '. The cartesian ones defended the existence of the innate ideas in the mind human being, in contrast of the empiristas that deny previous thought to experincia.' ' (1979) Soon, for the psychology of the time, the acquisition of the language was seen as something mechanical, conditional in accordance with behaviorista psychology: ' ' thus a new psychological chain was imposed, the behaviourism that, excluding the conscience, substituted it for a new object – the behavior. in this confusion of theory and concept, in intention to cure the doubts and the questionings on the functioning of the language, had appeared those authors who if had detached in the area that they had given emphasis in arguments that directed the studies for the strong linking of the reasoning and the creation of speaks. In accordance with Chomsky, the theory ligustica: ' ' one occupies of a falante ideal listener in a community of completely says homogeneous, that knows its language with perfection and it is not affected by conditions grammatical been improper, such as limitations and memory, distractions, changes of attention or interest and errors (accidental or characteristic) in the application of its knowledge of language to the performance real' ' (1965). We can still detach, that the nature of the language, defended for Bloomfield apud Kenedy, was interpreted as a social conditioning, a reply that human organism produced by means of stimulatons that it perceived of the social interaction. According to author, Bloomfield, the child learned to say a language where: ' ' Each child who is born in a social group acquires habits of speaking and answers in the first years of its life.