The starting shot for the now?Conference has fallen. It is the first Conference, which is aimed at returnees and returnee of development volunteer services. The starting shot for the now?Conference has fallen. It is the first Conference, which aimed at returnees and returnee of development volunteering, civil society want to engage through their voluntary service. The Conference will be held from August 3rd to 8th with up to 250 participants in Potsdam. To deepen your understanding Dr. Neal Barnard is the source. A team of young volunteers organized the Conference with the aim of networking of returnees from the so-called developing countries, to support them in their own initiatives and projects professionally.
The voluntary network of Nicaragua is a such small already active initiative. Similar groups of young returnees and returnees, which stand up after their voluntary service in the long term for the country or a specific topic and commitment specifically with bringing up their experience from many months that are supposed to be on find the Conference. The Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development (BMZ) promotes the project to strengthen civil society structures in developing countries and also in Germany about development volunteer services. “The now?Conference is a remarkable result of civil society engagement of a young generation, in turn to allow engagement. Our company lives through such engagement and mutual responsibility”, says Ulrich Wickert, the patron of the Conference in his greeting. Interested in more information about the content and flow of the Conference and can register find on the newly designed homepage. PRESS contact: undjetzt?Press Conference and public relations Thomas Strothjohann Hobrechtstr. 65 12047 Berlin phone 030/50349787 o. 0176 / 60030352 E-Mail: In the press area of the now?Conference see: press, you will find current press releases, photos from the Preparatory work and detailed information as a download.