University Polar

Before I thought to leave the capital (Luanda) but became man and never I was interested myself in knowing other parts of Angola, as soon as I finished the course daily pay-college student and I had the notice on the FAU inaugurated in the Namibe, in the year that I finished the PUNIV; the 3 years in the Namibe, we in such a way learn many things in the domestic branch, of the life in itself, as in the acadmico branch (superior education, expenditures of house for who are lease or Incline, the college and its expenditures, pass for many make difficult and currently already in we feel them alliviated, because we live in the Namibe favours our parents, who in them sent some amounts in dinheiros, while university student, in the province of the Namibe). That one I hug. Gone ours: Luanda to the Namibe. I, Peter S.Teca (Peter nickname) together with my Brother Kitamuka J.David (John), was to make the test of admission to the college, in day 28 of February of 2005. We had in the apercebido one of the social medias, that the President of the Republic its Eng. Excellency Jos Eduardo dos Santos in the province it Namibe, inaugurates a superior Institute of sciences and technologies, that is, a University Polar region (day 11 of November of 2005); from there, our anxiety started to get more information concerning this superior Institute, because we in such a way wanted to enter and to be part of a university; we were to have to the Reitoria of the University Augustin Grandson (one bes situated in 2 to walk of the Hotel President, in the port of Luanda), we made the registration and in day 28 of February of 2005, we made the admission test, we were few candidates, each course makes use of 25 vacant, and had courses as for example of Engineering the Mechanics, where the candidates all already filled the vacant; the test was not difficult, but the fear devastated in them sufficiently, because already we feared case the results left Negatives.