Very Production

Decorative chrome plating – a simple introduction on the market today protective and decorative coatings in terms of investment in the production of one of the first places is chrome. Moreover, when high demand offer – Very limited. Attract high prices on chrome-plated, often exceeding the price of other galvanochemical and paints a few times. The important fact is that the package of orders for the brilliant chrome is easily formed at small-scale production. Competitiveness of processes such as galvanizing, blackening, anodizing, phosphating, etc. is determined mainly by the production capacity. On the other hand, enterprises with advanced production finishes, are reluctant to accept small-lot and single orders that make up the largest share in the case of chromium. Thus, even small area of chrome is a good chance to survive in the vicinity of large plants, firmly entrenched in the market plating still c the Soviet era.

Hopefully, this article will be useful to entrepreneurs, not directly related to electroplating, but an interest in the processes of protective and decorative chrome plating in the context of small business ideas. People engaged in electroplating professionally, is unlikely to draw here something new. The purpose of article – in a popular form of answers to questions about the plating, the most frequently asked traders suppliers galvanotehnicheskih processes and equipment. The material reflects our subjective point of view. A little poetry in the plating. Requests for organizing the production of protective and decorative coatings with chromium enter the address of our company 3? 5 times a week.