Sing, Play, Help

What do Udo Lindenberg, Dynamo Dresden, and the fans of the two have in common? Berlin, 16.04.10; 17. April kickoff in the Rudolf-Harbig-Stadion Dresdner is 14:00. It SG play Dynamo Dresden FC Carl Zeiss Jena. In itself a note value. And Udo Lindenberg’s messages and of course many fans with a video.

The game is a charity event for the benefit of the HOPE Cape Town Foundation. And so the mystery to the togetherness of soccer fans, football players, Dynamo Dresden and Udo Lindenberg is. HOPE Cape Town is a project which supports ill women and children mainly from AIDS in South Africa. The football game is only the prelude to a series of events. There is much to support and raise money for the Foundation HOPE to collect Cape Town. The crowning, will be already the HOPE Gala Dresden for the 5th time in a row, on October 30 in the Schauspielhaus.

This is also the date for the cash. Until then, but much time is, and anyone can help the entrepreneur Viola Klein of Saxonia systems AG, explains Initiator. So far as much money coming in we made it every easy to help. SMS can do with anyone who has a cell phone. Now, once all the fans in the Stadium are asked but also those at home left with an SMS to send help. Send an SMS with the text of HOPE to the shortcode 8 11 90 is the request. Under the umbrella of the German Aidsstiftung the considerable sum was transferred last year from over 80,000 euros of HOPE. This applies to beat it. And also with prominent support of Udo Lindenberg. More info: a SMS will cost 3 the normal SMS-transport fee plus. This is a service provided by spendino GmbH. minus the service fee 2.83 go directly to HOPE Cape Town. spendino GmbH Liebenwalder Strasse 11 13347 Berlin Tel 030-450 20 522 fax 030-450 25 657 that spendino GmbH is a service provider for the nonprofit sector. spendino enables the processing of SMS and online donations and positioned itself as a neutral partner for the Non-profit organisations in Germany. Thus, the only provider in Germany, which specializes in the use of mobile technologies for social purposes is spendino. In combination with online donations solutions and tools for the social Web spendino offers an innovative fundraising tools.

University Polar

Before I thought to leave the capital (Luanda) but became man and never I was interested myself in knowing other parts of Angola, as soon as I finished the course daily pay-college student and I had the notice on the FAU inaugurated in the Namibe, in the year that I finished the PUNIV; the 3 years in the Namibe, we in such a way learn many things in the domestic branch, of the life in itself, as in the acadmico branch (superior education, expenditures of house for who are lease or Incline, the college and its expenditures, pass for many make difficult and currently already in we feel them alliviated, because we live in the Namibe favours our parents, who in them sent some amounts in dinheiros, while university student, in the province of the Namibe). That one I hug. Gone ours: Luanda to the Namibe. I, Peter S.Teca (Peter nickname) together with my Brother Kitamuka J.David (John), was to make the test of admission to the college, in day 28 of February of 2005. We had in the apercebido one of the social medias, that the President of the Republic its Eng. Excellency Jos Eduardo dos Santos in the province it Namibe, inaugurates a superior Institute of sciences and technologies, that is, a University Polar region (day 11 of November of 2005); from there, our anxiety started to get more information concerning this superior Institute, because we in such a way wanted to enter and to be part of a university; we were to have to the Reitoria of the University Augustin Grandson (one bes situated in 2 to walk of the Hotel President, in the port of Luanda), we made the registration and in day 28 of February of 2005, we made the admission test, we were few candidates, each course makes use of 25 vacant, and had courses as for example of Engineering the Mechanics, where the candidates all already filled the vacant; the test was not difficult, but the fear devastated in them sufficiently, because already we feared case the results left Negatives.

Iberian Peninsula

Also in Spain speak Galician, Basque, French, Italian, German. The Spanish language is accepted as one of the official languages of the United Nations and the Organization of American States. The roots of the Spanish language goes far back in the Middle Ages in Castile. That is why the language is also called Castilian. However, there are several dialects: Galician, Catalan, Aragonese, Basque, Asturian, Aran, okvitansky and other dialects. Formation and development of the Spanish language originated from the "Vulgar Latin".

In the Middle Ages in the Iberian peninsula were born two dialects: Andalusian and Castilian. Appeared same Spanish during their conquest of Spain, Mauritania. In VI century BC in south-western Europe – Iberian Peninsula – lived Iberians. By the end of the century in these places settled nomadic tribes from the central part Europe – the Celts. Nation, mixed, formed a nation called keltiberiytsy and they talked to one of the dialects of the Celtic language. At the end of 1919 AD domain keltiberiytsev settlement was named in Spain. Living Spanish spoken in Latin. This language was brought into the country by the Roman soldiers and merchants.

So Latin is mixed with the various dialects of the Iberian, Celtic and Punic languages. The result was the emergence of new language, which they called "Vulgar Latin" that is popular Latin. In 400 years AD Germanic tribes of the Visigoths invaded Rome in Spain. However, despite this, the Latin language was still state, he had the status of the language used by the government, it is used in the field of culture.


Chamanes says that ayahuasca speaks in a symbolic language, is a Masterful Sagrada Planta and mother, of the amazonian mystical world. That ingest who it they see what she hurts to them and what they need to evolve. For that reason they consider that the plant is wise. The Ayahuasca, has an important value and meaning, the fundamental thing of the Ayahuasca drink, is an authentic source of knowledge and means to develop bring back to consciousness human, to an extraordinary capacity to allow to accede to infinites conscience levels. In this sense, Ayahuasca is equivalent to God, in the amplest, deep sense of the concept. It is the fundamental spiritual food, that it releases and it amplifies the conscience to us, is in order car-to examine or to consult themselves with the inner teacher, over all dogma or cultural parameter. It is the key to develop the personal self-knowledge (Biological, physiological-anatomical and Psychological, spiritual-transcendental).

Ayahuasca is the culture of knowledge inspired by our extticos deliriums with Masterful Planta. The Ayahuasca makes understand us the fundamental principle of our dynamics and interrelation with the nature; the plants, not only feed to us materially, but also and mainly they feed to us spiritually. The wide-awake Ayahuasca in the human beings, the impulse to the well-being and the search of the health. It is as plant that teaches, for the divination, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in ceremonial contexts. The Ayahuasca brings about states of curative, mystical and visionary character.

When one drinks Ayahuasca, it enters in a dimension of the conscience, where referring the space temporary, to which we are daily customary, changes radically, a state of brings back to consciousness, with which it is very easy to us to remember all our past and our present is to us transparent. It is as plant that teaches, for the divination, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in ceremonial contexts. The Ayahuasca brings about states of curative, mystical and visionary character. It can extend the information given here puncturing in the following Link: chamanismo Original author and source of the article

Signed Contract

But if you still need clarification, then please be patient and get through to the relevant units of the bank. In order to avoid confusion with payments, also recommend to make the amount designated in the contract in a timely manner, without delay with the regular payments and not paying for them ahead. Frequent situation in consumer loans – penalties for early repayment of the loan or repayment of the loan against a fixed schedule of payments. The same thing happened to our hero, but the fine was deducted by the bank with a credit card for through which the bank sought to write-offs still 22% per annum (the interest rate on credit limit credit card). Bank error in turn is a lack of proper training and supervision of employees own front office. Mistake number 4 What we have – do not store, lost – lament loss of the contract – not the most pleasant event, in addition, without the borrower is totally unequipped for the bank. The first step is to discover the loss, must be addressed either in the head office of the bank or a department in which credit was received (the loan officer at the store) and request a copy of the signed documents. Otherwise, you lose the possibility of something to defend and demand, since you have no documentary evidence of your rightness. Thus, if the contract or a copy you will be much easier to communicate with the bank, properly and promptly repay the loan and supervise bank activity in the exposed part of the requirements.