Restoring A Vitality: Essential Knowledge

"It is unreasonable to ask that you can own," Mr. Pan Violation forces or an imbalance of basic nervous processes, which is celebrated in a rather large group of people of all ages can have their very diverse manifestations. They may include: decreased performance, fatigue, mood instability (up to the depression), irritability, lack of confidence in themselves and others. Usually, these manifestations are due to stress, lack of vitamins, lifestyle, or internal conflicts, lurking in the subconscious … Tcoyd describes an additional similar source. However, all these explanations, with strict their analysis, lead to a number of contradictions, omissions or do not have proper scientific basis. For example, out of every hundred people have about the same level of food intake and energy expenditure, only 10-15 show signs of the same vitamin A deficiency. Questions' why? " hang in the air. With regard to stress, then everyone knows many of those who had long been in conflict conditions, but does not with any "failures" in the nervous system. In addition, the disorders considered here often occur without any stress it – in a stable living comfort (nepahannoe field for analysts in all countries, nationalities and religions.) In removing the nerve disorders are a radical mistake to little success, but too persistent attempts of psychotherapists and psychologists solve the problem only at the level where it most clearly manifests itself – that is, at the human psyche. We add that each of those who have problems 'with the nerves', will have to pay for this service at a price.

The Hair

Sports, nutrition and the environment – all affect our health and, accordingly, the fact how we look. Sports and nutrition – the category under the control of each individual, the environment – here is a little harder, because we can not convince others, it is reasonable for the environment, even if they themselves are aware relevance of the issue. Television and the press often talks about the unusual instances when a person in 80 years, suddenly grows a whole new set of teeth or when involved in an accident in 20 years, a young man of 40 looks, as well as in 20. Geneticists say the aging process is slowed down at the gene level. Many have heard about voodoo, voodoo masters possess many interesting recipes.

Including prescription and rejuvenate the body, after the adoption of the product made master of voodoo, the body processes occur rejuvenation, possibly at the gene level, but the hair, nails and teeth grow entirely new. A number of similar examples could go on and on, but what they show? Assume the first two examples – it is a pleasant end to an inexplicable coincidence, but voodoo – the use of supernatural technology. One can say with great certainty – the body has many hidden opportunities that are not used often at all. Why are they given to us, if we do not use them? But they have one! Human perception allows him to tune in once a child to accept a certain range of sounds and colors, which are the main transmitters of information. After this setting, all life, we trust only the channel of information transmission. I want to draw your attention to a moment when a child ability to think, yet underdeveloped, adults cram us truths, behaviors, how to and how not correct. Simply put, we adjust, we agree with everything and believe in all that we say, not worrying about what the truth may turn out to be not true, but one of several points of view. After a while it becomes possible to recognize, reflect, analyze.

Are all the foundations laid in our childhood, to be revision, meditation? Certainly not all, and not always. You may ask, but how can you understand or perceive the white ball, if it all his life for us was a white ball? I can not answer you the following, this is not the ball, and certainly not white, maybe he's yellow, or even a subject that has no color. When the wrinkles and gray hair, we say that we grow old, or should we say – it's old age. And if not removed from their vocabulary the word retirement, at least for a while? Something change? Perhaps, you will need to replace a word in some other, to denote the process of deterioration of the body. But the man – is not only the body but the soul and the soul does not age or when. Old age – a process of pure material, and the matter is known to the category of time, so why worry about the fact that temporary? Is it not better to think about their spiritual particles? Refer often to his soul, she would never say that we age. Because we not really getting older, we change and become wiser! Those years brought us the knowledge and wisdom, serenity and joy, and a lot more, a lot of good things! 18.04.2007g.

Big Bang

The combined power of the electromagnetic, weak, strong and gravitational interactions ("grand synthesis"), which ceased to be protofizicheskoy force and became a physical, could do light coming from the X-force, transcendent in relation to their source (meaning unrelated to its source) and change it – the light then could take the properties of matter. Since then, we can assume that ends evolution of the universe, which could take a fraction of a second, and begins its physical evolution, which in major parts in modern science and is described below, we briefly described. In the beginning physical evolution of the universe in light of its original material form, in a state of singularity, and since then, when he became the transcendent and broke off its relationship with the source, shrank in the opposite direction at the same its speed. In the end, enlarged to a single point, more than 15 billion years ago, the light exploded. As a result, the "Big Bang" electromagnetic, weak, strong and gravitational interactions again disunited, and instead of the original light appeared cosmic microwave background radiation, which is also expanded, moving with the speed of light is in its original direction.

Of this radiation originated quark-gluon plasma, which was the first building blocks of the universe. The passage of time has a phase transition the quark-gluon plasma – baryogenesis. At this stage, the quarks and gluons combined into baryons – such as protons and neutrons. A further drop in temperature led to the formation of physical forces and elementary particles in their modern form.

Psychologists In Hospitals

When the infectious illnesses represented the preponderant cause of mortality, the problems of health more serious than the medicine face today are the chronic-palliative illnesses. Read additional details here: Nieman Foundation. Currently, that the mortality and morbidade indices are each time more gifts and related to the behaviors and harmful habits of life the health. Psychology is the science whose object of study includes the analysis, prediction and the modification of the factors that affect the behavior. Aiming at the promotion and the maintenance of the physical and emotional health, the prevention and the treatment of the illnesses and the identification of etiolgicos and disgnostic correlatos of health.

In ampler direction being able to promote some analysis, formation and improvement of the health system. The proper insertion of the psychologist in the hospital unit is one of them. Therefore, one of the objectives of the psychologist who acts in the hospital area is to try to minimize the suffering of the patient and its family. The work is focal, centering itself in the suffering and the repercussions that the patient suffers with the illness and hospitalization, associate to other factors as life history, the form as it assimilates the illness and its profile of personality. When it is said of a hospitalized patient, not if they must exclude the emotional and social processes in the attempt to understand and to diagnosis the illness, since its installation until its development for the medicine that had a dualista vision that the body and has lain was separate identities. In the same way, a physical illness this frequently associated the emotional and psychological riots that, if treated cannot contribute for its aggravation or until its cronificao. What we have observed, still, is that some disgnostic techniques make of some great doctors specialists who do not have time more than TO LISTEN TO its patient in its necessities.


Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel was a disciple of Pestalozzi, with who studied, in Yverdon, taking contact with ‘ ‘ Emlio’ ‘ of Rousseau that as much influence would go to have in its pedagogia. In 1816, it established, in Keilhau, in the Turngia, the German Institute of Universal Education, following the model of the schools established for Pestalozzi. The program of studies inclua the German, the Arithmetic, the Drawing, Canto, the Religion, Geography, Music, the Greek and the Gymnastics. An important workmanship left us, with prominence for ‘ ‘ Me and Cantos of the Berrio’ ‘ (1843), ‘ ‘ Education of the Homem’ ‘ (1826) and ‘ ‘ Pedagogia of the Garden of Infancy (1840). After some failed experiences, Froebel established a school, in 1837, in Blankenburg, for children of one the seven years of age, with the purpose to try with them a freer environment less and academic. ‘ ‘ In 1840, Froebel discovers, as that for intuition, the appropriate name for this stage in the educative process. It will be a place where small child will be able to engage itself fully in the creative activity: the garden of infancy, ‘ ‘ kindergarten’ ‘.

There the child can develop itself and grow of course, without restries’ ‘. Pedagogo was Froebel first to develop educative games and specifically appropriate materials to the infancy garden. ‘ ‘ Through practical conferences and lessons, Froebel divulges its ideas. Also it establishes and dirige two justinian codes for the formation of professors for this new and indispensable stage in the educative process, one in Kilhau and another one in Bad Liebenstein, where, in 1849, the awaken workmanship the enthusiasm of the Baroness Bertra Vom Marenholtz-Bulow’ ‘. Who will be the Baroness more will divulge, in century XIX, the pedagogical workmanship of Froebel.

‘ ‘ For Froebel, the school must take the pupil to the conscience of the essential nature of the reality and proper itself. Therefore, the teaching loses the traditional one to carcter of transmitter of knowledge. That these are well or badly transmitted is indifferent, therefore its true function consists of to point and to become intelligible the nature interior spiritual of the reality. How much to the new program of studies, this follows the model elaborated for Pestalozzi. It analyzes the reality in terms of the language, the form and the number, terminology changed for Froebel for the nature names, mathematics and language. The substances organize around these three categories to facilitate to the understanding of its nature and its contedo’ ‘. Froebel placed the child in the center of the educative process and had in consideration the necessity to respect the stages of its development. The child was faced, for Froebel, as a being only the master as a facilitador that must guide but not impose.

Work And Organization: The Relations Between Work, Personality And Identity:

This article presents the results of the research carried through next to the Siderurgical Industry, whose main objective was to study the relations between work, personality and identity of the works in the siderurgical area, having as reference the QVT models (Quality of life) in the siderurgical area. The research is characterized as an description-analytical study, being able also to be considered a case study. The searched sample was of 190 individuals. The collection of data was carried through through the instruments of interview and reading of acts and comment in I lease of the workers. Boy Scouts of America contains valuable tech resources. As result, it was evidenced well defined existence of a group interaction, that elapses of one high satisfaction in relation to the organization. Parallel, an important level of satisfaction with the work in itself was found, implicandoem significant QVT.

Apromoo of bigger satisfaction enters the members of the production area and administration, passes for the revision of aspects of the organizacional culture and the politics of Human resources. Through this research, she was possible to identify the determinative 0 variable that they make possible to recommend the adoption of politics that aim at the promotion of bigger adjustment and satisfaction in the work. Word Key: Quality, Work, Identity and Personality. Abstract This article presents the results of the research carried through to together you the Siderurgical Industry, whose main objective was you study the relations between work, personality and identity of the works in the siderurgical area, having reference the QVT models? (Quality of life) in the siderurgical area. The research is characterized an description-analytical study, being able also you be considered it marries study. .

Spiritual Development

For decades in numerous publications in philosophical dictionaries traditionally present an explanation of the "spirit" as an intangible beginning, as the production of consciousness in the form of society – religious, philosophical, political, legal, scientific, moral, artistic. The notion is "spirituality" is not defined and is not discussed. In practice, it is used very intensively and with large discrepancies. What are the main features of modern views on spirituality? The concept of spirit, soul, spirituality, spirituality, consciousness, and prescribes, as a rule, a man and are considered immaterial, thinking, linguistic, linguistic, intellectual concepts and phenomena. Spirituality in the past and modern philosophical basis is defined as charity, morality and the inner aspiration to know, ability to control their psyche, mind, emotions. Spirituality is also associated with culture, art, religion, occultism, magic, theosophy, science, love and sexuality. Go to Center For Responsible Lending for more information. Thus, the notion of "spirituality" dumped All human life, but all other objects of the Universe has a spiritual allegedly had no right and conversations on this topic had not been maintained and is classified as taboo.

The author believes that the "Spirit" – this is important, comprehensive material energy-mental phenomenon. From the Spirit formed all concrete, including concrete biological, conscious biological, intellectual, biological. Spirit is the idea alive in all sites Universe. More details on this theme is revealed in the book by Yu Laman "And I had my way " The soul – the mental (subtle, energy-) start of any object in the range of information of the Earth, under the leadership shown by Spirit. Consciousness – specifically formed energy-phenomenon, which is able to dissect and learn any information. Formed as needed soul to perform a specific task at the right level of information. Spirituality – a state of mind-consciousness to the possession, consciously or unconsciously, specific range of manifestations of the Spirit, or the phenomena of the Universe. Spirituality – quality over quantity mastered mental technologies.

Moral can not serve as a measure of spirituality! Spirituality – it is the power, scope, opportunities, etc. specific information object. If a person is unable to understand the other object, it does not mean that the other – soulless, ghostless. All information objects – inspired by, alive and intelligent. None of the information objects are bad, negative or hostile – there is information that is not understood by man. Spiritual growth of man is uniquely associated with disease, ailments, suffering, limitations, and other troubles, because thus there is a constant intrusion into other information and breach of harmony. Man in his ignorance of the danger to the Universe, and therefore it constantly monitors and limits the Hierarchy of the Universe. Materials of the report are based on research and practical experience in the use of effective cognitive technologies developed and successfully used by the author for the past many years.

Divination And Occultism In The Network – Fiction Or The Shortest Path To Glory

Any one of us, probably, is the magic of their own way. For some – it's the occult, the ability to penetrate into other dimensions and communicate with people, long gone. For the rest the same magic – it is an ancient science based on manipulation hidden energy flows. For other people – a dangerous weapon, a way to change the last one's life or affect other people. Are, finally, those who perceive a magic spell, as a simple magic, and even unaware of how and why they act. Generally, in translation from the Greek 'magician' denotes a priest and a priest. And if you start from such an interpretation, it turns out that magic was present in our world always. It is also worth noting that, by and large, it has never depended on religion and the gods worshiped by the people.

In fact, disappeared into nothingness entire epochs, civilizations, pantheons of gods, and magic continued its existence. At all times there were priests who knew the secret. They worshiped it to her, some kind of universal mind, and have no way to the prophets, invented for themselves Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims and representatives of other religions. We note one important thing: the powers that be, regardless of their faith, actively used secret knowledge, or rather, those who possessed them. Look for any ruler, and you will see that far from it almost always looms the figure of a sorcerer, priest, magician, or shaman, in other words – the magician. Depending on the situation in the course was both light and black magic.

Often it turns out that without the preliminary meetings with the support of secret Knowledge does not accept any one how important government decisions. This is not surprising, because the various spells and charms were given the opportunity to see the future, could affect the course of the battle, provides good crops or, for example, pointed to the shortest path to fame and fortune. Perhaps you doubt, but these days esoteric, occult leaders are used in different countries. But this does not speak openly, but on individual fragmentary information suggests that the occult and magic are still needed presidents and monarchs. What is magic? Today is customary to share the magic of 2 main groups – light and dark. Light Magic characterized by the following features: conspiracies carried out during daylight hours; spells are aimed at removing corruption, evil eye, curses and other destructive programs; white magic does not bring harm to others, but on the contrary, lead to their healing and improvement. Black magic – other. Its distinctive features include: superimposed plots in the dark, magical work involves a destructive effect (Curses, omens, damage, lapels, and other actions in which violence occurs on consciousness and will of man); spells are directed to call the evil spirits, and the subsequent appeal to them for help in any dark affairs. Thus, it appears that the occult, divination, and various other features of magic can be both light and dark depending on what goals people running them. Finally one remark: due to the rapid spread of information technology for help mages can apply to everyone. Today, widespread consultation on network magic, numerology online, all kinds of ceremonies Shadow. In fact, it is quite natural, as mentioned above, the magic is not just endured the changing times and generations and have learned to indulge in the opportunities that it provides at the disposal of time.

Ecology Human

The cultural evolution occurs as the culture if it becomes more effective, or more efficient, in the acquisition of energia’ ‘ (Kormondy and Brown). The paradigm of ‘ ‘ New; ‘ attempt appeared of to explain jointly processes adaptativos cultural and biological of populations human beings (standing out the possible relations that must exist between the two processes), it has seen that until then the studies they were concentrated in separately explaining the evolutivos aspects of the same ones. For example, the genetics of populations, a subdisciplina of biology human being, and as much others limited it the analysis of the population biological characters, without mention to the cultural characteristics. This is an example of the integration enters the concepts of the ecology and the ideas of the evolution and biology human beings. This paradigm introduced the study of the populations on the contrary of the study only focused in the cultures, as it happened previously, what it allowed that the human ecologists used concepts and methods of the biological ecology when analyzing the Ecology Human being. The New-ecology is concentrated in the ambient problems (that they are related to the natural resources, the ambient subsistence and estressores and that they can be answers to the actions human beings or simply to be part of an ecosystem ‘ ‘ natural’ ‘), in the effect that they cause on the populations human beings and the answers of the same ones to these problems (Vayda and Rappaport, 1968).

Occupational stress the presentation of the concept of estresse occupational it will be made after that, with the contribution of some of the cited authors more with regard to this subject. Lazarus (1995) considers it estresse that it occupational occurs when the individual evaluates the demands of the work as extreme for the confrontation resources that it possesss. It estresse it would not be a property of the person or the environment, but it could be developed from the conjunction of a particular type of environment with a definitive type of person.