Marketing Campaigns

The specialists in marketing campaigns, being based on neurolingusticas techniques to form deleterious trends; they can certify that the young women are not chosen by the affection and altivez. But I appeal for it sexual to the product; that these can cause. This serves for a sample of imported vehicles or a new mark of dental cream. I do not know KNOW as accepted social culture in the schools, social clubs and squares of recreation these so wise people PRIORITIES certainty of sponsorship for a career of success shining component of the Fashion World! Your initiatives are not alone its. Therefore you trace they feed them of a declining society. Therefore, also I want that yours arrives at the knowledge, of demolishing form and indisfarvel, that the Men and Women whom they possess the real financial domain in this civilization also know the fatal route of this.

being thus, of wise and discrete form, with one real spread of being able the holy ghost and financier already had signed the decree of full bankruptcy of this corrupted society. Absolutely precision and discretion! That the pens and paets are felt ashamed of that as much desvirtua a Woman in function of a Man. finally all the families of the Land. I want to obtain to plant in the bones and blood of vocs a total disappointment and horror, as losing dogs with the tail between the legs and this will go to happen when already to arrive in the world of the illusions fashions, the financial impossibilities.> Therefore as they live of the superfluous one it is necessary demolition so that, renascendo of the essential, it can again appear families where the true dolos, icons and celebrity is the lights of Soul. That each being has the option to make Express.

In social position, administrative capacity, brilliants scientific ideas and finally, in first plan, wisdom and divine goodness. For being giving bad example to the New Generation that is appearing in this planet its pains they will be bigger. Therefore they do not support the weight of the test of a life in its more primitive and original criteria. IT IS SOON THERE. WE ARE IN THE FINAL STRAIGHT LINE! We would not give in them to the simple whim of the critical one if in them we had not become operative force of transformation. already in advance cronograma. Carlos Renato P. Costa_*888Khan7Especialista in Electronics, Telecommunications and Engineering of Software_ Has centuries exists the TDR – Everything of Bad. But also he exists in full operationalization organized groups of scientists, technician, economists, graduated in humanistic, military studies, politicians, jurists etc etc. A name I do not have to say. Who knows a symbol: ' ' WING ON THE WORLD ' '