The Blue

the accompanying periquito. It was the last month of gestation of my first son and I was in the house of my parents observing the trees that blossomed in the orchard, therefore I was spring. We were commenting on the birth of the baby who could occur at any time when, suddenly, passed on my head a bird. It was a blue periquito with some acinzentadas penalties and the white head that gave it a glad and very beautiful air. It put in a foot of mexerica and later lode pertinho of where I was seated and was next well to my feet. I found odd the calm of the bird and thought that perhaps it had run away from some house of the neighborhood. I bent down myself in a reflected act to try to catch it or same acariciar it and it was quiet leaving themselves to catch and remaining in the open palm of my hand.

I placed water in a canister and a little of mixture for periquito, that my father costuma always to have in house to play to the birds that frequently come to the yard because of the trees. As it was very quietinho, my father suggested that we left foods and the water inside of a bird cage with the open small door case the bird wanted to enter to feed itself and also to prevent that some cat or caught it to dog during the night. The door of the bird cage was always opened case it wanted to leave and to fly to go even so. In that one same night I was for the hospital and total gave the light to my son who, unhappyly, faleceu three days the birth after, leaving desperate us. The Blue periquito continued in the house of my parents during the time where for I was there to recoup trying me and recompor me emotionally of the loss of my son. Passed some days, I came back toward my house and took Blue with me the e, for many times, I I asked I eat I am that a so smart bird came to my feet leaving itself to catch well in the day of the birth of my first son? Why it did not go even so since the door of the bird cage always was opened? Still today I believe that it has come to be able to help me to surpass the difficult moments, therefore after the loss of my son was with that periquito that I distract a little and dedicated to it my attention and affection to me. Some months later, I evidenced that I was pregnant to give the good news again and after to all, I was until the bird cage of Blue and vi that it was empty, therefore it I had flied and IDO even so without nobody saw.>