Somales Integrists

More bond to send aid, although loses part in the way. This is the conclusion at which it has arrived the United States with the view put in Somalia. The Department of State has communicated the humanitarian organizations who want to operate in the south of the country which they will be able to do it without undergoing sanctions in spite of the risk of which a portion of the pie falls into the hands of the militia islamist of The Shabab, that the company ties to The Qaeda. " It is so the crisis, that we think that of the aid is worth the trouble to run the risk of some deviation " , a high American position informed yesterday into the department that directs Hillary Clinton. The bows of The Shabab with the international terrorism and its campaign of extortion to the NGO took to president Barack Obama to prohibit the 13 of April from 2010 any shipment to Somalia that could benefit the integrists. The humanitarian drama has taken to Washington to raise the foot of the brake. Source of the news: : The USA allows to take aid to the controlled area by somales integrists

Health Analysis

Studies epidemiologists had evidenced that the reduction of masculine mortality always was lesser and slower in relation to the feminine sex, this currently are comparativily observed in all the regions of Brazil: In the Country, in 2001, 7.8% of the total of men were in equal the etria band the 60 and more years and 0.9% had 80 years at least; for the women these values had been bigger, respectively, equal 9.3% and 1.3%. In 2002, of the total of masculine internments in hospitals of the SUS or they conveniados, 4.5%, 12.4% and 21% had been neoplasias malignant, illnesses of the circulatrio and respiratory device, respectively, whereas for the ones of 60 and more years, the values had been 7.3%, 29.4% and 20,1%.Para the greaters of 80 years, the ratios had arrived 4.8%, 30.5% and 25.1% for respective causes. (LAURENTI, JORGE, GOTLIEB, 2004, P. 37). It is fact that some illnesses reach more to the men what it reflects greater mortality, and how much to the exposition the risk factors such as violence, excessive alcoholic consumption and drugs also the use of the tobacco, among others cause an increase of the morbidade in this population, another factor verified in research are low adhesion of the men the campaigns of promotion and prevention. The research of Gomes, Birth, Arajo; (2007) they inform on the masculine morbidade and sample that the sensitization of the men and its profile of morbimortalidade strong is not associated with the values of thus described cultural sort and: The imaginary one of the man can imprison the cultural masculine and mooring cables, making it difficult the autocuidado adoption of practical of, therefore to the measure that the man is seen as virile, invulnervel and strong, look the health service, in a preventive perspective, could associates it weakness, fear and unreliability; therefore, it could it approaches it of the representations of the feminine universe, what it would possibly imply diffidences concerning this masculinidade socially instituted.

Embrapa Environment

It had for intention to contribute in the qualification of educators (of formal and not formal education) in methods participativos of ambient education, counting on the assessorship of specialists in the areas of education, agriculture and the environment. In this period the works destined to the public-end, consisting of students and agriculturists, had been carried through in city-pilot So Paulo of the regions of Campinas and So Paulo Bragana, with approach in the pedagogical activities of formation of multipliers in methods of ambient education, counting on the participation of commission agents of education, agricultural directors of schools, professors and extensionistas. In these events, carried through in classrooms and to the outdoors, the adjusted generating subjects more to the local realities had been chosen democratically, aiming at the study of the context and the social mobilization come back to the conservation of the natural resources, such as the water, the ground, the resetting of ciliares bushes and the indiscriminate use of agrotxicos (EMBRAPA Environment, 2010). In the exercise of the social responsibility, the Embrapa Environment, Motorola and Municipal city halls of Jaguarina, Saint Antonio de Posse, Holambra, Quarry, Support, Arthur Nogueira and Mogi Mirim had launched the Campaign ' ' Environment and the Escola' ' . The schools of the municipal and state public net? infantile education, basic and average education, education for young adult and school technique? they had been invited to develop projects of ambient education. To make possible such projects, the Campaign launched and disponibilizou for all the schools, the book ' ' Ambient education – Qualification of multiplying agents and development of projetos' ' , I contend registers of pertaining to school projects and material of support the qualification, beyond the awarding of the best projects, that is, those that better contribute to improve the quality of life of the local population, promoting positive interventions in the diverse levels that compose the ambient patrimony.