The main guerrillas of the Araguaia Joo Amazon, Mauricio Grabois, Jose Francisco Keys and the giant Osvaldo Orlando of the Coast, the Osvaldo of 1,98 of height was the responsible ones for training and doutrinar its friends on the revolutionary tactics, having the last already experience of guerrilla for having learned in China. However, the military before its third onslaught to fight the guerrilla, had trained its exercise with tactics against guerrillas and still of October they had at the beginning fought with more intensity the guerrillas. Helicopters sobrevoavam the conflagrada area frequently, compelling the revolutionary combatants the exhausting cares. Between January and March of 1974, the campaign was concluded with the complete destruction of the guerrilla. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as MRI imaging technique by clicking through. Its main guerrilla Osvaldo Orlando of the Coast is died for a gunman and its body took a walk for the Araguaia hung in a helicopter for everybody it could see. The end of the fight was thus intentionally revolutionary armed in Brazil of the military dictatorship. FINAL CONSIDERAES Inside of this perspective of State of exception and seted fight, we can understand that it had in Brazil a situation repressora politics and that also it had those that unsatisfied with this scene if had raised in more aggressive way. With effect, after THERE? 5 all the resqucios of democracy had been decimated and the astonished population with this situation.
Most expressive in this fight for the democracy and a socialist revolution they had been the clandestine groups of left that in its majority were not conforming of the PCB and nailed diverse reactions to the military regimen. These paramilitary organizations denied any type of falling of trees of the dictatorship if not it fight through the revolution violent armed and to the molds of the Socialist Revolutions that already had made solid in some countries of the world. Its onslaughts had been dangerous and important so that it could clarify for all the Brazilian population violent and repressor government that was in the power. gainst this. However, the military apparatuses of combat to ‘ ‘ terroristas’ ‘ they had obtained to surpass any attempt of action of the guerrillas, as much in the cities how much in the agricultural zone in the Araguaia, but they had served as mrtires of the incessant fight for the democracy that would only come one decade later.