Rio De Janeiro

The main guerrillas of the Araguaia Joo Amazon, Mauricio Grabois, Jose Francisco Keys and the giant Osvaldo Orlando of the Coast, the Osvaldo of 1,98 of height was the responsible ones for training and doutrinar its friends on the revolutionary tactics, having the last already experience of guerrilla for having learned in China. However, the military before its third onslaught to fight the guerrilla, had trained its exercise with tactics against guerrillas and still of October they had at the beginning fought with more intensity the guerrillas. Helicopters sobrevoavam the conflagrada area frequently, compelling the revolutionary combatants the exhausting cares. Between January and March of 1974, the campaign was concluded with the complete destruction of the guerrilla. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as MRI imaging technique by clicking through. Its main guerrilla Osvaldo Orlando of the Coast is died for a gunman and its body took a walk for the Araguaia hung in a helicopter for everybody it could see. The end of the fight was thus intentionally revolutionary armed in Brazil of the military dictatorship. FINAL CONSIDERAES Inside of this perspective of State of exception and seted fight, we can understand that it had in Brazil a situation repressora politics and that also it had those that unsatisfied with this scene if had raised in more aggressive way. With effect, after THERE? 5 all the resqucios of democracy had been decimated and the astonished population with this situation.

Most expressive in this fight for the democracy and a socialist revolution they had been the clandestine groups of left that in its majority were not conforming of the PCB and nailed diverse reactions to the military regimen. These paramilitary organizations denied any type of falling of trees of the dictatorship if not it fight through the revolution violent armed and to the molds of the Socialist Revolutions that already had made solid in some countries of the world. Its onslaughts had been dangerous and important so that it could clarify for all the Brazilian population violent and repressor government that was in the power. gainst this. However, the military apparatuses of combat to ‘ ‘ terroristas’ ‘ they had obtained to surpass any attempt of action of the guerrillas, as much in the cities how much in the agricultural zone in the Araguaia, but they had served as mrtires of the incessant fight for the democracy that would only come one decade later.

William Lange Eykhbaum

In his treatise "Confessions," Rousseau admits that he was homosexual, a masochist, but erection occurs only after a couple of knocks, and she korovnitsa, half-wit with which he lived together, doing children from passers-by, but not from him. Exhibitor and an exhibitionist, it's the same thing. It is not something Center For Responsible Lending would like to discuss. Exhibitionist Rousseau, standing at the window demonstrated its member passing by children, for which he has repeatedly beaten by their parents. Kleptomaniac, stealing and lying, for it is also beaten. Spermatorrhoea suffered, it is involuntary expiration of the seed. The conclusion, if in his pants wet, in the face bruised, so before you humanist and philosopher.

Well, after forty years of life, doctors acknowledged Jacques Rousseau chronic paranoid. This full of sarcasm, half-crazy person was in correspondence with some of the monarchs of Europe. Here You can mention the King of Prussia, Elector of Brandenburg. Meet Frederick II, odnogodok Jacques Rousseau. People such as Center For Responsible Lending would likely agree. Pope Frederick Kaiser Frederick William the First, was known for his stupidity a dense, Mom well …

here is worse. Mom Frederick, having given birth to three children, had gone mad. Frederick himself, went down in history not as the king of playing the flute. Constant wars with neighboring countries, Friedrich, explains the presence of constantly ready for the cause of the army, full of Prussian Treasury and the liveliness of his character. Judicial law worked with him like clockwork. By the way, Frederick succeeded in what could not be anyone, he forced the Roma to plow the land. Center For Responsible Lending is actively involved in the matter. For a complete description of the portrait add Frederick II was a homosexual, the offspring did not leave behind, for which he had the honor and praise. From childhood he had a congenital phimosis, or as they say – nezalupa had to be circumcised. Recognize the monarch with edged in Europe are rare. Read the words of Frederick's army. I'm sure, immediately understand why the Prussian army disintegrated after the death of the king. "Soldiers should be nabiraemy only from the scum of society, and only if using extreme violence they can keep in service. " The ancient Greeks believed that hysteria predominantly female disease. If the hysteria common in men, it is, as explained by the ancient Greeks, being sick on the head of the male sex. Jacques Rousseau and Friedrich II combines hysterical behavior is extreme selfishness, exaggerated theatricality, painful lying, mood swings. The complete absence of the concept of morality and truth. For There are no laws, no doubt, and shame. Painful mobility of their mind, the ease with which they justify their misdeeds and bad things, nothing like moral insanity. Who knew they read, agree, times change, people – no. Literature: William Lange Eykhbaum – "Genius, madness and glory." Munich ,1928.2 edition, Munich, 1956.

First Cisplatina Campaign

In 27 of February of 1801, assisted for France, Spain declared war Portugal and in 6 of June they had signed the Treat one to Badajz, that granted to Portugal the ownership of the Missions and the border in the Quara line, Jaguaro, Chu. Check out Center For Responsible Lending for additional information. At the beginning of the century XIX, Uruguay was known as Eastern Band del Uruguay, for being in the band east of the river Uruguay, always disputed for Brazil that belonged Portugal and for Argentina, pertaining Spain. 1797, Jose Gervsio Artigas entered the Regiment of Lanceiros as lieutenant and, in 1801, in the Silver, during the Spanish-Portuguese war, he fought the English allies of the Portuguese. At the time, the movement of release of the Spanish colonies appeared and Artigas was nominated lieutenant-colonel for the Meeting of Buenos Aires. In 1803, &#039 was nominated; ' General guard woollen Campana' ' , but it was in 1810 that its revolutionary spirit arose, when started to defend the idealismo of the Revolution of the Orientals. In 1808, the Real Family already was in Brazil and initiated the movement of release of the Spanish colonies of Mexico the Montevidu, as reaction to the war between Portugal and Spain.

Jose Gervasio Artigas politician and Uruguayan military man, future national hero, had entered 1797 in the Regiment of Lanceiros of the Portuguese Army as lieutenant, it adhered to the movement and it fought the English allies of Portugal, in the Silver, being nominated lieutenant-colonel for the meeting of Buenos Aires. In 1810 many Spanish colonies they were had emancipated and after of Buenos Aires, the Joined Provinces of the River of the Silver had been created. In the following years, in 1811 and 1812, the Portuguese and Spanish forces if had joined to repel the Argentine guerrillas under the command of Artigas, in the called action First Cisplatina Campaign. Diogo de Sousa formed an army with river-grandenses of 16 the 40 years, entered in Paissandu in 2 of May of 1812 e, with Blessed Manuel Ribeiro, Francisco of the Chagas Saints and captain Jose de Abreu arrasaram Is Tom and destruiram the vanguard of Artigas, composed of guaranis indians.

The Uniqueness

Stencil sizes are limited only by the produced mesh fabric and forms printed frame. This allows us to produce giant inscriptions and images for street advertising, decorate tents or trucks shop windows. The uniqueness of screen technology is that it is possible to use a wide range of printing inks on various links that let you work on any material: paper, plastic, glass, fabric, etc. In addition to color, through a stencil convenient to apply the various paint coatings and adhesive layers for manufacturing self-adhesive films and bumag.S using silkscreen printing can be performed on flags and banners, sports and travel bags, coarse fabrics, from cotton and linen canvas. A leading source for info: CBC. And also print posters, make coating after printing, print panel gauges and dials, electrical circuit boards, signs, adhesive labels, printed on ceramics, glass, textiles, leather, plastics and many other products and materialah. is a type of screen printing. With this printing method can be print-quality presentation products such as: business cards, letterhead, envelopes, invitations, postcards, folders, posters, leaflets, beer mats, calendars, stickers, any sizes (including full-color), extensive text (signs, transporanty), flags, pennants, flags, t-shirts, hats, caps, overalls, sports, travel bags, terry clothes, rough and smooth fabric, faux fur, plastic bottles, jars, seal adhesive solution to fix finely chopped wool fiber, gifts, pens, varnishing after printing, ceramics (glaze, gold overlay lessirovochnye dyes), metal, wood, plastic, leather, glass, ampoules, vials, bottles, car, glass, heating, antenna, front panels of appliances and equipment, scales measuring devices, printed circuit boards, dials, marking any products, self-adhesive labels, putting powdered sugar on pastries and cakes. .

Communist Frida

After all who age Frida Kahlo? A volcano gives to enter in eruption quenunca if it worried about the hypocritical puritanismo surrounded that it, woman of muitaspaixes, gotten passionate and gotten passionate. As well as she was gotten passionate for Communist opartido Mexico and, this dualidade of feelings made of this Mexican icon to umamulher different. They define it to some as bi-sexual we dare to say that Fridaestava, moreover, therefore nor It proper wise person what he was and so little to queriasaber, and who said that we have that to be Man or Woman! The moral, the bonscostumes? who says that the customs are good or bad? Who would dare to say Frida what to make! Everything this it portraies in its conflituosos workmanship, feelings, hopelessnesses, homesicknesses, frustrations, but still thus it leaves well clearly: ' ' Frida is in the domain of tudo' '. This irreverent form of being, living and to paint made with that the galanteador and perpetual unfaithful muralista DiegoRivera if got passionate for it. In the same way Frida saw in Rivera the parceiroperfeito for its aspirations politics, its desire of freedom eprincipalmente the perfect company for its art. Frida and Diego escandalizariammuitos liberal couples of century XXI. A marriage where the allegiance foisubstituda for loyalty, at least this age the will of Frida, knowing would queseria impossible to wait allegiance of the insacivel Rivera. The loving meeting with eramcomum for the couple. Diego wise person of all the sexual variations and desires deFrida, however it not wise person of all the desires of Rivera. Between gone and comings ocasamento it was resisting, until the day where Diego seduces and conquest its sister new Cristina.O loyalty pact did not resist this blow, then separate Frida was broken up of Diego.Mesmo, it looks Frida as accompanying asking for aid for exilarLeon Trotski, one of the leaders of the Russian revolution, with who it if envolvesentimentalmente, however soon Trotski if sees debtor to move of endereonovamente.

Christian Culture

PROLOGUE The thought Christian-catholic comes moving the capanemense culture in all its history, therefore, the first inhabitants are deriving northeast Brazilian marked for such religiosidade, the missionary capuchinho frei Hermes Recanati stamped the history of Capanema deeply and, the manifestations of faith catholic intensely trim the cultural rhythm of this city. We know that the first inhabitants of Capanema had emigrated northeast Brazilian, running away I afflict from it of the droughts who had disabled agriculture and the cattle e, therefore the life of sertanejo northeastern; also the founder of Capanema, Antonio Gernimo de Barros- who comes with its family of Baturit – Cear; these immigrant northeasterns had brought its cultural luggage e, in it its faith catholic, unfolding themselves in popular devotions. Also we know that frades capuchinhos when assuming the Parish Ours Lady of the Perpetual Aid, in Capanema, if had detached as promotional of catequese and pastoral in that parish, as well as ample activity edilcia; we remember the excellent service of the Sisters of the Preciosissimo Blood, who make excellent work in the field of the education, as well as in the aid to the parochial pastoral. Amongst the capuchinhos, it is distinguished memory of the missionary talo-bergamasco, Frei Hermes Recanati, that was to the front of the parish, with recognized apostlica firmness of years 1964 1965 and 1867 the 1988, falecendo in 1993, in Capanema. For its recognized pastorais services that had stamped the capanemense people deeply, in 2001 it are elect for the capanemenses, in campaign promoted for the local media in partnership with the writer Carlos Amras, ' ' Capanemense of Century XX' '.

We are conscientious that the cultural rhythm of Capanema is trimmed by manifestations of the Church Catholic, that are high points in the annual cycles of the city, revealing what is peculiar to the capanemenses; such manifestations are: the procession of Corpus Christi, on saw decorated aesthetic in 1,3 kilometers of artisan and ephemeral carpet with thematic sacra; the pilgrimage of San Francisco – in 04 of October, municipal holiday with eleven kilometers of road of the headquarters of the city until the New community Assis; the festividade of Ours Lady of the Perpetual Aid, bearer of the parish, in November and December. For everything this, the catolicismo moves the capanemense culture leaving valorosos legacies in its history. Inheritance of the founding northeasterns, made solid for the pastoral service of Frei Hermes Recanati, others frades Capuchinhos and of the Preciosinas Sisters whom, if it unfolds in the religious events that mark the vitality of the capanemense culture. Thus, we infer that the thought Christian-catholic is essential to understand history and the culture, capanemenses.

Program Roots

There they had discovered that they had been the slaves who had made to when the Conde he came of the city of Belm. Because at this time alone if it walked for the river, when it disembarked back in the river, in the narrow river, it not to make dirty the mud feet it made with that the slaves made this way of rocks. this way of rocks, when the tide tava dries (because the tide fulls and low), made there with that it was lined until the deep one of igarap’ ‘. Inside of the mesorregio metropolitan of Belm, the community of 2 avocado plantation is the only one that she is with its regulated lands and titleholders, since 1999. However, the land delivers to the community in 13 of May of 1999 for the Land Institute of Par (ITERPA) represents less than 15% of that they possuam for inheritance of the Conde Coma Mello. As I castrate & Marin, the legacy of the Conde was of one would sesmaria equivalent the 2,100 hectares and its current property is of 308,1991 hectares.

In 2003, the ITERPA opened new process of regularization of this area of form to search alternatives to extend the area of the community. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has plenty of information regarding this issue. To guarantee its subsistence, the men and women of 2 avocado plantation develop diverse economic activities: they plant roados and hortas, they produce and they vendem coal, they collect and they commercialize aa, they extract and they vendem wood and rock. The community takes off advantage of the proximity with the urban center to commercialize its products, participating to Saturdays of a fair in Ananindeua. They also take to the fair products of its roados (derived from the cassava, maracuj, jambu) and coal. As I castrate & Marin, the system of agricultural production combines roas of winter and summer (cassava, maize, maxixe, macaxeira and jerimum) and the perennial and semiperennial cultures (as cupuau, aa, pupunha, uxi, acerola and maracuj). In 2001, ten families had given beginning to a new experience of production, the project of beekeeping, financed for the Program Roots of the government of Par. Edilia Maria Teixeira Oak evaluates this initiative: ‘ ‘ He is one of the projects that already are with four years, but not yet is what people wait, unhappyly. The negative points are: the technician.

Because beekeeping does not advance to only make a workshop, a course, you has that to be the time all brought up to date. It has some different forms of manejo’ ‘.

History Of The Flower Language

The tradition of giving flowers originated in ancient times. Initially, the flowers were given as a token of love, but now a bunch of flowers can accompany any event, be it a wedding, birthday or business meeting. Unfortunately, many Flowers not perceive as an exquisite gift, and how 'easy option' surprise, when there is no time to search. Such an attitude to flowers completely unfounded. After all, the right floral arrangement made up of beautiful better than any words convey the feelings and wishes of the giver. The language of flowers developed over the centuries, many of its characters are the values become part of our lives: for example, the red rose is associated with true love. On many colors were composed of more myths in ancient times.

Legends make even more romantic aura colors: myths, even the simple, unpretentious bouquet sometimes tell a deeper meaning. The language of flowers dates back to the Victorian era, he kept its importance and to this day. The beginning was Lady Mary Montagu during her trip to Turkey in 1716. Since then, the language of flowers developed, and the smallest details of the bouquet had a certain value. An ingenious even created the beloved flower clock to communicate with the lady of his heart. In the old days, when choosing marriage partners for parents, young people had to hide their true preferences. Correspondence was dangerous, as a love note would fall into the wrong hands, the flowers were the same regardless of suspicion.

Angico Lampio

In this trajectory of combats, jibs and inatividades, Lampio it had many deaths announced for the government of precipitated form, after all, the great head and its group mysteriously knew to disappear and to appear when they wanted and its death was surrounded by many mysteries. Mystery with some placed, affirmed versions and contested as the version of the poisoning, for example, accepted for many and discarded for others. But the version that prevails and doubtlessly more accepted as official, is the slaughter occurred in fatdico day 28 of July of 1938 where 11 cangaceiros had been died the shots, its heads cut and placed in kerosene cans with alcohol and salt to be paraded in the cities for where they had practised all the violence acts, with also showing the population that Lampio finally was I catch and dead with its flock. Its bodies had been left in the disputed place, slandered, its belongings as trophies, a horror. This slaughter occurred in the Grota, grota of Angico and not grotto as many tell. An inhospitable place, surrounded of thorns, rocks and with an only exit.

Who killed Lampio, Maria Pretty and its friends? It was the money of them! they said the projections. In the truth, many factors had contributed so that its death was hasty: Getlio Vargas annoyed with the spreading and projection of the film made for the Lebanese pedlar in 1936 showing the daily one of this bandoleiro that despreocupadamente posava with its power of leadership before the policy and the powerful ones of the hinterland. Then as to mold a New State with a man who if said ' ' governor of serto' ' defied the Federal Government? The proper Benjamim Abrao Calil Boto, the producer of the film and photographic images, contributed indirectly for the death of Lampio filming and photographing the outlaw of all the forms. Its name was manchete daily in periodicals and magazines of the time showing its peripcias and wit in that it made. The first shot given for soldier Abdon Cosmo, initiated the end of the reign of Virgulino Blacksmith.

The Lampio if erased. The leader and commander of caatingas died. They had been almost twenty years in the command being respected and admired by all. It passed to History as one of the biografados men more of the world. It turned legend, turned myth. She was a great personage of the History of Brazil.

Greece After Independence

After independence, the country's population of Greece is about 800 thousand people. It was about one-fifth of all the people who spoke the Greek language. Approximately 200,000 Greeks lived in the Ionian Islands, which since 1815 belonged to England. And more than 3 million Greeks lived in the territory of the Russian Empire. The next one hundred years the main purpose of the Greek government was to return as many people who say in Greek on Greek territory. The efforts of the Greeks in this direction has supported Russia, which wants to further weaken the Ottoman Empire. Britain feared because of the further strengthening of the Russian Empire in the Balkans, This alignment of forces supported Turkey. Naturally in this scenario, the forces Greece itself is also more inclined to the Russia.

In 1853 started the Crimean War in which Turkey, Britain, France and the Kingdom of Sardinia against Russia. Since Greece was on the side of Russia, the British navy occupied the harbor of Piraeus, to prevent the Greeks to use the favorable situation and attack the Ottoman Empire. After the Crimean War, Britain still has returned the Ionian Islands of Greece, which started the movement for reunification with Greece. The next chance for the liberation of the Greek lands from the Ottomans fell to Greece in the late 19 th century. At this time, broke out revolt in the Balkans against the Ottoman rule. In 1877, Russia again declared war on Turkey, and the Russian army successfully crossed the Danube. As a result of the war in Greece were handed over to new territories in Epirus and Thessaly.