The new face of the Evangelical Church, any criticism of religion should be equally a social criticism. Completely regardless of whether you are on the existence of a God believes or wants to disprove its existence, is unquestionably a human need then to believe. And this should be taken very seriously. I would describe myself as a religion-critical and sometimes even as religion-hostile people, but can be is not out of hand, the potential that any form of religiosity and spirituality provides an alternative utopia to the principle of social reality in which we live. So polemically and populist as this sounds, it will contradict probably no one myself, when I say that today the need for escapism is particularly large.
Whether it was ever different, should be judged not on this map, but I doubt it. Great depression neoliberal Menschenbilder, social State are these problems of the societies in which we live, effectively no longer mastered, what of course it is that the social structures and power relations, on which they are built, with have caused the problems. It can be, done really accused to flee in a (Christian) ideal anyone what works just quite differently, as our society does so. Terms such as charity are of course\”particularly popular at a time when to do nothing in the charity with career has. The request also here controls the market. In accordance with a capitalist logic, do just the Evangelical Church, which wants to modernize itself constantly to meet the spirit of the times and to turn away from the arch-enemy of the Catholic Church, must to remain competitive. Not for nothing, the Evangelical pastors are the loudest, when it comes to criticizing the current abuse scandals. Every institution, including the Evangelical Church, needs an image, to compete and to capture customers. Doing it otherwise behaves Margot as a party, a group, a sect, etc.