New Autumnwinter Catalogue

The gray, gloomy, cold wet November announces a long winter. The new autumn/winter catalogue to shop by Questico Astro TV is suitable for convenient home shopping. This includes the Angel star collection exclusively. Angels are a popular decoration and like an Angel advice by Questico not only at Christmas time fully in line with the trend. Exclusive products in the Astro TV-shop for the best time of the year, the sky beings from the Astro TV shop bring pleasantness and joy in every living room. While the Angel star collection is characterized mainly by the detailed presentation. The figures of angels there are in various shapes and designs: are artfully set in scene, attune to the advent season, and are a suitable Christmas gift. In addition to great ideas and products for a Merry Christmas, the Astro TV Shop offers also a large number of fine gemstone jewelry.

Genuine Swarovski crystals or the all-rounder beads: Christmas gifts in unusual designs with precious stones there are exclusively in the Astro TV shop. Also Christmas ring at Questico their costs for all those who want to escape the bustle of Christmas and instead the new year want to tune in to, and offers advice from fortune tellers Questico online. On the life consultant portal you will find experts who offer consulting free through fortune telling on Questico and allow any interested views of the new year. A cup of Christmas tea, which you can enjoy with the new Lotus tea set from the Astro TV shop, all those who call for a telephone consultation can be through clairvoyance free advice at Questico. The inspiring ideas of the fall/winter catalog live scrolling if Astro TV In the catalogue is very easy but sometimes you would like to consult with love.You can be the products from the autumn/winter catalogue live see Astro TV.

The products will be presented live at the broadcaster for esoteric life advice by Questico in Astro TV shop and presented. There are the Astro TV shop always Tuesday to Friday at 6: 00 live on ASTRO TV or on. Online product PR: Questico AG Emina SAHOVIC PR / Marketing Assistant Zimmerstrasse 68 d-10117 Berlin Tel: 030 / 72 62 68 0 fax: 030 / 72 62 68 111 E-Mail: website: about Questico: Questico AG is Germany’s leading group of companies for services, content management, and counseling related to astrology, horoscopes and Tarot reader. Among other things, the online magazine of Questico and the print magazine future look belongs to the group”: the monthly magazine about astrology, horoscopes and Tarot. Winfried Noe, Hajo Banzhaf and 30 other authors to write for the modern woman magazine. Astrologers and psychics by Questico help daily on ASTRO-TV or on the Internet at via live stream.


Yoga is balm for the soul of stressed, proven leads to inner balance and brings body, mind and soul. This relaxation causes not only a relief for insomnia or nervous complaints, but can be also a significant contribution to healing the widespread disease number one, back pain, make. You are the leading cause of sickness in the workplace, the Federal Statistical Office. Millions of people cause the painful suffering of civilization unilateral exercise or prolonged sitting. The necessary physical therapy or physiotherapy requires a maximum of discipline and perseverance from the patient. But one must not equal access to painkillers, acupuncture or mud: within the framework of a dissertation the effectiveness at the Humboldt University in Berlin was examined by Hatha Yoga for back pain and hypertension. The impressive result was that is already considerably can decrease pain after four-week yoga practice. Back problems and other diseases Women to Katja Barthels Lietzow, who has received special training in the field of Yoga therapy can contact the support and movement apparatus.

It offers gentle and effective help for the troubled back in Dorverden in the District of Verden after herniated, Hexenschussen, scoliosis or prevention. Yoga could cause so much more than to serve only the inner peace and balance. Pranayama, which is the merging of body and mind through breathing exercises, brings tangible relief for tension and causes deep and long-lasting well-being. Hatha Yoga and meditation can help women who are looking for a holistic, gentle, and effective therapy for back problems and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system with sustainable relief of their symptoms and inner balance. For the future, a growing importance in medicine is predicted of Yoga therapy.

Catholic Church

In the case of Mexico, a country with serious disadvantages economic front to its northern neighbor, the participation of the Church in the social sector (hospitals, primary, secondary schools, bachelors, universities, orphanages, nursing homes, homes for the treatment of addictions, houses for the aid of single teenage mothers, institutions like Caritas and many others) has not been back, that year with years saves the Mexican State several million pesos to attend a significant number of people on different social statements. In my own experience, as a graduate of a Salesian educational institution, this being just one of many religious orders living in our country, I realize how this religious community has in particular helped to improve the level of education at the national level and has put special care in supporting the most vulnerable sectors of the population. In addition, would have to recognize the hard work of literacy and education of priests in various marginalized communities in general. All this without counting groups of missionaries that come together every year to assist indigenous communities more abandoned. Now well, continuing with the study of Sam Miller, in health and social welfare, the Catholic Church Jan USA has 637 hospitals non-profit and cater to 1 of every 5 people in that country; without distinction of race, culture or creed. Additionally, they host 1 of every 5 indigent, at a cost to the Church of 2.3 trillion dollars a year. This does not differ much from the reality that exists in our country, where the Catholic Church serves a number of organizations medical and social that they seek help to people of all income levels to a range of problems; included health problems, addictions, among others.

Only in Guadalajara, my home town, thanks to the Diocesan Food Bank, 85 thousand poor families have access to the basic basket, a clear example of how the Catholic Church is a social driver of extreme importance in the region and the country. After displaying these data hope that the reader this pleased and proud to be Catholic. We must keep our faith strong, despite the bad apples that exist on both sides, and remember that finding a rotten Apple doesn’t mean that the entire tree this rotten, sometimes the circumstances work shaking the tree that ends up getting rid of bad fruits, and thus again the Church is renewed with a better membership. Either way, brethren in Christ, I call on them to walk with head on high, since we are members of one of the organizations most collaborative, largest and most important in the world. Fear not sign in the morning, go to mass on Sundays, although the neighbor see them, strive to deepen the knowledge of their religion, and above all rejoice to be Catholic!

Editorial Group Communication

Autumn can’t get better in TEMPO – Sage communication. And is that the Editorial Group and communication captained by Antonio Gigirey and Jose Luis Casero is made with three new customers for the management of your communications and institutional relations. Follow by adding new and important accounts of communication since it implies the recognition of a job well done and the inspiration to continue investing in our brand, explains Antonio Gigirey, Director of TEMPO-SALVIA communication is a great satisfaction for us. Get to CONAE, MEDIFORM PLUS and SUBASTAFACIL. COM have us doubly rewarding is for have been achieved in a period of crisis which we are now living, added Jose Luis Casero. So this is the profile of each of the new clients: u CONAE (the National Confederation of self-employed and micro-enterprises), established in April of 1988, was founded as a non-profit organization for the defence and support of the self-employed and micro-enterprises in the whole country. It is created under the pillars of the promotion and defence of the system of free private initiative in the framework of the free market economy, and considers the freelance entrepreneur and microenterprise as basic cores in the creation of wealth and services to society.

u MEDIFORM PLUS is the company that most actively works with 450 of pharmacies most dynamic of Spain, advising on strategic aspects of their business (internal organization, marketing and sales, purchasing and stock management). All this to achieve differentiated pharmacies and prepare them to work effectively to a future of great changes. It is composed of professionals with extensive experience in the sector, with extensive knowledge of management tools that the pharmacy today needs. u SUBASTAFACIL. COM is the leading company in Spain that is projected for the purpose of advising the debtor in judicial auctions and make accessible and transparent to the public and investors exclusive and very cost-effective environment judicial auctions. Since 2003 is immersed in the market of judicial public auctions of real estate with results objectively very positive. Its philosophy of work passes collect their fees when customer comes out winning.

In addition to this triplet of new customers TEMPO – Sage communication already provides its services to the AEF (Asociacion Espanola de Franquiciadores), MARCO ALDANY, CARLIN, MUNDOFRANQUICIA CONSULTING, ASIAINSPECTION, KONE, MKE and TEMPO consultants. Our mission focuses on rigorous and satisfying the needs of our customers, generate higher sales and profitability through our work of communication and development Editorial; assume our customers as their own goals and involve ourselves with your corporate strategy.

Cabinet Contributions

In words D. Gabriel Vazquez, labor lawyer and partner of the firm Advocatia lawyers, not being predicted that the Fund is being funded with the increase of enterprises contributions to Social Security, options that are left are: modify the rest of quotas of contribution percentages or that are workers who assume the payment of the contributions that the Fund is nutria. Both Mr. Gabriel Vazquez and the other rapporteurs Spaniards, D. Francisco Gonzalez de Lena, Director of the Cabinet of the President of the Council economic and Social and the Professor of labour law and labour law lawyer of the law firm Miralles, D. Carlos Miralles, agreed that the more predictable option in Spain is the change percentages of assessed contributions to finance the Fund unless it involves an additional cost for the companies. In conclusion, it should be noted that thanks to conferences performance of the Austrian labour model is has been able to learn first hand. At the moment, there to wait for the definitive legal development to know all the nuances of this reform Labor, but thanks to the rapporteurs have been focus the question and discuss how to be applied in our country. About the Hispano-Austriaca Association of Jurists the Association Hispano-Austriaca of Jurists (AHAUJ) created in July 2009 is vocation to serve as an open forum to promote the exchange of experiences between Austrian and Spanish lawyers. This association without spirit non-profit and with registered office in Madrid, pursues as its main objective the safeguarding of constitutional, legal and legal values recognized as essential in both States, as well as the universal declarations of human rights and the European Union. Original author and source of the article.