
It is an ongoing process and therefore should not be considered as a purposeful action precisely because, provides preventive measures for the future. Planning reduces the unknowns facing disaster situations because it tries to anticipate problems that may arise and possible alternative solutions, also contributes a quick response to problems as long as it fits and suits the particular situation, available resources and respect the local culture. With this thesis is from the academy aims to contribute to the development of a culture that allows the authorities and citizens in general, understand the natural hazards to plan the development of the city, minimizing the exposure of residents to disasters that may affect their lives and heritage. The issue of disaster is no longer an occasional concern of the peoples and governments and has become a vital element in the list of issues that concern all humanity, either by impact on the overall development or because solution is only obtained with systematic efforts extended. In the last twenty years (writing in 2000) catastrophic events have caused the deaths of more than two million eight hundred thousand human beings and effects of major life another eight hundred twenty million people (Gomez: 1994).

These dramatic figures are sufficient to indicate the profound importance that disaster prevention in the context of global development, all efforts to protect human life, improvement of quality of life and prosperity of nations . Any disaster, regardless of the level of economic progress in the country concerned, clearly shows the serious trauma caused to the processes of development of each nation and the long road still to be done to optimize systems for prevention in its international dimensions, national and local levels..

Therefore Happiness

Therefore if considers that the generated electric energy is important. Why? Therefore with electric energy the economy of the country can grow, and the economic growth is something important. Why? Therefore growing the economy, the country has more money, and to have money is important Why? Therefore money brings happiness Why? . More info: BSA. It does not make sensible to ask why it is wanted to be happy. What if it can ask is what it is and to who it belongs to such happiness, since is this that determines all the scale of values. BSA brings even more insight to the discussion.

In if assuming that the money brings happiness, she is then justified the action of the construction of the barrage. Let us pass to the model of present happiness in the chain of justifications presented. In first place, it fits to notice that considered flooding of 5.000ha of bush is direct consequence of the construction of the barrage as with priority area for conservation for the proper Ministry of the Environment. Thus, either which the justification given to the enterprise, it must contemplate this fact. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sean Rad. Let us ask who is that it gains money with this enterprise. It can be considered that they are the workers of the workmanship, but the money that they earn is little. Who in fact gains money to the clear ones is the shareholders, since the barrage is a total private enterprise.

It could be said that this only represents> Aluminium Company of America with half of the actions of the enterprise), cement and cellulose (of the Votorantin, also shareholding), among others groups. This hydroelectric plant if places in auto-generation context, that is, the products of these plants needs much energy and is very income-producing, then, it is excellent business to construct its proper hydroelectric plants. Placed these points, the ethical justification of the workmanship would be more complicated, since, for in such a way, the system of values assumed would have to consider allowed to sacrifice public good, the environment, on behalf of a private good, the profit of some megacorporaes multinationals.

Ecological Toasts

With the recent catastrophes of the nature, in result of the global heating, each time more is charged of the companies a way operandi in order to brighten up all this situation. From there the importance of the sustainable development. One is about the development form which does not attack the environment and it does not confuse the development in the future. When we think about sustainable development, we think about economic, social development and ambient protection. This idea is spread out through ambientalistas campaigns and ONGs, such as WWF and Greenpeace, so that people and companies are acquired knowledge to make its part stop with the environment.

Imbudo of this ideology, the Toast & It has led presents its ecological toasts. These are confectioned in neoprene, of 3 mm of thickness. It is the same material with that if it manufactures clothes for divers. It was in the doubt still? Neoprene has access link and knows more. The toasts manufactured in neoprene are of high quality, ecologically correct and they are not perishable. It can be washed and be reused, becoming one hygienical product. In these conditions it is what we call ecological toast. The great companies, compromissadas with the environment in its commercial campaigns, opt to ecological toasts! To contribute with the environment and the sustainable development, she opts to this type of product! Data Technician: Confectioned of neoprene, 3 mm, ecologically correct, washable and reutilizvel.

The Interviewed

Taking in consideration the future expectations of the interviewed ones a certain indifference with its proper future is noticed, therefore it is about an informal work. The informal work is the type of work disentailed to any company, that is, it is the indirect work where it does not have employment bond by means of legalized documentation. This type of work had great growth in the decade of 90 when the competitiveness made with that the companies also opted to qualified man power and front to the economic crisis, the companies had had that to diminish its picture of employees and to lower the value of its merchandises. None of the interviewed ones contributes with INSS thus observing not the concern with the retirement. This absence of future perspectives is noticed in the speech of P1 and P2: ' ' People cannot make nothing nh, the money are short of pra not to pay INSS. The only thing that I paid was the funerary one now nor this more. I do not think about the future no.' ' P1 (SIC) ' ' I retire only can me for the age, for I to work I here I do not know if we have some advantage if we to only pay the INSS. I not pago.' ' P2 (SIC) In relation the industrial accidents, Port et al (2004), stand out that certain types of illnesses, as, corporal pains, problems osteo- you will articulate and hipertenso is premade use by the exhausting work, added to the treatment with the garbage that the catadores if submit. The participants do not mention illnesses related to the garbage or industrial accidents associates to the catao. ' ' thanks to God I did not have an industrial accident one day I only tava of sandal and there I went to separate as the girls so separating, and I was walking there and I did not give attention, a skewer that came in the bag, a skewer to bake meat, I took the foot thus, and it entered in my foot, plus this is not industrial accident.

Embrapa Environment

It had for intention to contribute in the qualification of educators (of formal and not formal education) in methods participativos of ambient education, counting on the assessorship of specialists in the areas of education, agriculture and the environment. In this period the works destined to the public-end, consisting of students and agriculturists, had been carried through in city-pilot So Paulo of the regions of Campinas and So Paulo Bragana, with approach in the pedagogical activities of formation of multipliers in methods of ambient education, counting on the participation of commission agents of education, agricultural directors of schools, professors and extensionistas. In these events, carried through in classrooms and to the outdoors, the adjusted generating subjects more to the local realities had been chosen democratically, aiming at the study of the context and the social mobilization come back to the conservation of the natural resources, such as the water, the ground, the resetting of ciliares bushes and the indiscriminate use of agrotxicos (EMBRAPA Environment, 2010). In the exercise of the social responsibility, the Embrapa Environment, Motorola and Municipal city halls of Jaguarina, Saint Antonio de Posse, Holambra, Quarry, Support, Arthur Nogueira and Mogi Mirim had launched the Campaign ' ' Environment and the Escola' ' . The schools of the municipal and state public net? infantile education, basic and average education, education for young adult and school technique? they had been invited to develop projects of ambient education. To make possible such projects, the Campaign launched and disponibilizou for all the schools, the book ' ' Ambient education – Qualification of multiplying agents and development of projetos' ' , I contend registers of pertaining to school projects and material of support the qualification, beyond the awarding of the best projects, that is, those that better contribute to improve the quality of life of the local population, promoting positive interventions in the diverse levels that compose the ambient patrimony.

Meteorological Organization

The festividades in our city Guarabira-PB, Christmas, New Year etc. had been all, and adentramos as Christian the Campaign of the Fraternity (2011), with a subject sufficiently divulged in all the media. The Campaign of the Fraternity and the Life in the Planet have as subject ' ' The creation moans in pains of parto' ' (RM 8,22). The magnitude what it deals with and it approaches the subject global heating climatic changes lode in good hour. The church through the National Conference of the Bishops of Brazil? CNBB, will sufficiently have activities and work in passing to the Christians the importance not to degrade. The cause of this climatic disequilibrium is argued by the researchers has decades, also in different chains. The skeptics and the scientists place the subject in holistic and careful way.

Some understand that the global heating is deriving of process of the proper nature and others affirm, that the planet this presenting heating, that has as origin to the great amounts of emissions of effect gases greenhouse that if they intensify from the moment of industrialization of many countries, is resultant of the antrpicas actions. But what it is the global heating? According to site (, the global heating is a climatic phenomenon of wide extension? increase of average temperature of the surface of the land that comes happening in last the 150 years. However, the meaning of this increase of temperature, still is object of many debates between the scientists, natural causes or antropognicas (provoked for the man), it has been proposals to explain the phenomenon. The IPPC (Intergovernamental Panel for the Climatic Changes established by United Nations and World-wide the Meteorological Organization in 1988). In its report, more recent it says that the majority of the heating is observed, during last the 50 years. If it very must probably to a effect increase greenhouse, having strong evidence, of that the majority of the heating, either had the activities human beings (including stop beyond the increase of the greenhouse gases, others alterations, as for example, had to a bigger use of underground waters and the ground for agriculture and industry, beyond, of a bigger energy consumption and pollution).

Advertising Castration Kotov

Berlusconi became the star of Advertising Castration Kotov German branch PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – an organization “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals”) has opened another campaign, entitled “Too much sex (Too much sex). One of the new posters photo even got Silvio Berlusconi. The purpose of this promotion is to call the owners of domestic animals, such as dogs and cats to clean their pets. The reasoning is simple: the streets too many homeless animals. These posters organization reads: “Too much sex can end badly … even for dogs and cats (Too much sex can be a bad thing … for dogs and cats too). In their experiments, PETA members have gone further and put on one one photo of the Prime Minister of Italy.

Recall that Berlusconi has repeatedly become the epicenter of the scandal’s wearing of a sexual nature, while as the media with an enviable rate of reported him more and more fan. PETA has already used in their advertising campaigns, “Too much sex ‘famous figures such as golfer Tiger Woods, pornoaktery Ron Jeremy, Sasha Grey and Jenna Jameson. Also note that Berlusconi is accused of sexual relationship with an underage prostitute Moroccan Karim El-Maruga nicknamed Ruby, which, according to reports, Prime Minister paid for sex. Itself 17-year-old girl has denied the allegations. The first hearing on the case against Mr Berlusconi in Milan court appointed April 6. However, the defendant denies his guilt, on the grounds that he had never used the paid services of a sexual nature. So, gentlemen, is my advice: do not prilyubodeystvuyte!